
多源遥感数据小麦识别及长势监测比较研究 被引量:16

A Comparative Study on Wheat Identification and Growth Monitoring based on Multi-source Remote Sensing Data
摘要 小麦是我国主要的农作物之一,对于我国的经济发展有着重要意义。遥感技术经过不断发展,已成为提取小麦及长势研究的重要手段。利用高光谱珠海一号OHS-2A卫星、多光谱Sentinel-2A卫星以及MODIS等多源遥感数据,以雄安为研究区,采用支持向量机的方法进行小麦提取,结合野外实测数据利用混淆矩阵进行精度评价分析;分别对比小麦的两个重要生育期返青期和抽穗期,将小麦长势分为3个等级(按长势较好、长势持平、长势较差)进行长势监测比较。研究表明:环境条件相同下,OHS-2A的总体精度为82.08%,Kappa系数为0.76;Sentinel-2A的总体精度为85.57%,Kappa系数为0.81,相比之下Sentinel-2A对于小麦的识别效果最佳。在进行长势监测中,对比小麦各长势情况及长势变化相对幅度,Sentinel-2A数据比MODIS数据对于雄安小麦的长势监测及研究分析更有效。采用多源遥感数据分析雄安小麦识别及长势监测情况,有利于小麦种植管理,这对于推动绿色雄安有着重大意义。 Wheat is one of the main crops in China,which is of great significance to the economic development of China.With the continuous development of remote sensing technology,remote sensing technology has become an important means to extract wheat and growth monitoring.The identification of wheat is the premise of its planting area management,and the growth research is an important indicator of its growth evaluation and yield control.In this paper,the multi-source remote sensing data such as the hyperspectral zhuhai No.1 OHS-2A satellite,the multi-spectral Sentinel-2A satellite and MODIS were used to extract wheat by using Support Vector Machine(SVM)in Xiong’an as the research area.The accuracy of wheat was evaluated and analyzed by using the confusion matrix based on the field measurement data.Comparing the two important growth stages of wheat:the return green period and the heading period,wheat growth was divided into three grades(good growth,similar growth,worse growth)for growth monitoring and comparing.The results showed that under the same environmental conditions,the Overall accuracy of OHS-2A was 82.08%,and the Kappa coefficient was 0.76;The Overall accuracy of Sentinel-2A was 85.57%,and the Kappa coefficient was 0.81,By contrast,Sentinel-2A is the best at identification wheat.In the process of growth monitoring,the Sentinel-2A satellite is more effective than MODIS in monitoring and analyzing the growth of Xiong’an wheat by comparing the growth conditions and the relative amplitude of the change of wheat growth.This study analyzed the status of wheat identification and growth monitoring in Xiong’an from remote sensing data of different resolutions,which is conducive to wheat planting management and the formulation of agricultural policies,which is of great significance for promoting the economic development of green Xiong’an and the city.
作者 尹捷 周雷雷 李利伟 张雅琼 黄文江 张赫林 王岩 郑诗军 范海生 纪婵 陈俊杰 彭代亮 Yin Jie;Zhou Leilei;Li Liwei;Zhang Yaqiong;Huang Wenjiang;Zhang Helin;Wang Yan;Zheng Shijun;Fan Haisheng;Ji Chan;Chen Junjie;Peng Dailiang(School of Surveying and Land Information Engineering,Henan Polytechnic University,Jiaozuo 454003,China;Key Laboratory of Digital Earth Science,Aerospace Information Research Institute,Chinese Academy of Sciences,Beijing 100094,China;Center for Satellite Application on Ecology and Environment,Ministry of Ecology and Environment,Beijing 100094,China;Beijing Engineering Research Center for Global Land Remote Sensing Products,Institute of Remote Sensing Science and Engineering,Faculty of Geographical Science,Beijing Normal University,Beijing 100875,China;University of Chinese Academy of Sciences,Beijing 100049,China;Zhuhai Orbita Aerospace Science&Technology Co.LTD,Zhuhai 519000 China)
出处 《遥感技术与应用》 CSCD 北大核心 2021年第2期332-341,共10页 Remote Sensing Technology and Application
基金 国家自然科学重点基金项目“基于深度学习的小麦植被参量高光谱遥感反演研究”(42030111) 珠海一号卫星大数据云服务平台与应用示范(遥感大数据服务团队)(ZH0111-0405-170027-P-WC)。
关键词 珠海一号 长势监测 小麦识别 雄安 OHS-2A Growth monitoring Wheat identification Xiong’an
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