
英国学前教育政策改革研究——基于《早期基础阶段法定框架》修订的分析 被引量:4

A Study on Pre-school Education Policy Reform in the UK--An Analysis of the Revisions of"Early Year Foundation Stage Statutory Framework"
摘要 2006年英国政府针对0-5岁儿童提出"早期基础阶段"之说;2008年出台《早期基础阶段法定框架》,成为英国0-5岁儿童的生长和发展标准。2019年末至2020年初启动了最新一轮学前改革并发布了一系列新举措。教育纲要和学习目标是此次改革的核心,新框架遵循"独特的儿童、积极的关系、有利的环境、学习与发展"四原则,针对7个学习领域重新制定了新的教育纲要,为每项学习目标达到"预期"发展水平明确了评估标准。其中,学习和发展是核心理念,对儿童健康发展和未来学习最重要的三个主要学习领域包括个人、社会和情感发展,交流和语言,身体发育,框架确定了帮助儿童获得在四个具体学习领域(读写,数学,理解世界,表现艺术和设计)发展所需的技能,重新标定了新的17项学习目标,对每项目标是否达到"预期"发展给出了详细的评估标准,做到标准规定的行为视为达成目标。新举措高度强调有效学习,明确规定游戏和探索、主动学习、创造和反思是有效学习的特点;首次将个人、社会和情感置于首要发展领域,优先发展自信心和自我意识,对自身的管控能力以及积极的人际关系;达到"预期"发展成为核心目标,视为实现良好发展的标准;推进教育整体化,学前教育和后续教育衔接更为紧密,对英国教育乃至社会的发展意义深远。 In 2006,British government defined the first five years of children as the"early year foundation stage".The"Early Foundation Statutory Framework"was introduced in 2008 as a standard for the growth and development of children aged 0-5 in the UK.From late 2019 to early 2020,the latest round of the reform was launched and a series of reform initiatives were released.The education programmes and learning goals are at the heart of this reform.The new framework follows four principles.They are"unique children,positive relationship,favorable environment,and learning and development".It also reformulates a new outline targeting for seven learning areas,and establishes evaluation criteria for each learning goal so as to reach the"expected"level of development.Learning and development are core concepts,and the three main areas of learning which are the most important for children’s healthy development and future learning include personal,social and emotional development,communication and language,physical development.The framework identifies four specific areas of learning that help children acquire the skills needed to develop.They are literacy,mathematics,understanding the world,and expressive arts and design.The new 17 learning goals are recalibrated,and detailed evaluation criteria are provided to evaluate whether each goal meets the"expected"development.The new initiative places emphasis on effective learning,claiming that the characteristics of effective learning includes games and exploration,active learning,creation and reflection.For the first time,individuals,societies and emotions are placed in the primary area of development,and priority is given to the development of self-confidence and self-awareness,self-control and positive interpersonal relationships.Achieving"expected"development is regarded as a core goal and as a standard for achieving good development.The promotion of the integration of education makes preschool education and follow-up education more closely linked,which is of far-reaching significance to the development of British education and society.
作者 赵耸婷 许明 ZHAO Songting;XU Ming(Fuzhou University of International and Trade,Fujian 350202,China)
出处 《比较教育学报》 CSSCI 北大核心 2021年第3期51-64,共14页 Journal of Comparative Education
关键词 英国 早期基础阶段 学习领域 学习目标 UK early year foundation stage(EYFS) learning target areas of learning
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