

A Study on the Value Construction of History Textbooks in French Primary and Secondary Schools
摘要 教材的国别研究,特别是历史教科书的国别研究,既体现了民族国家的教育目标,同时也映射出国家的历史观、世界观、价值观。本研究以法国历史教科书为例,细致地梳理了法国基础教育教科书的编订、出版及选用的过程和原则,分析了"一纲多本、选用自由"的背后,法国国民教育部如何通过统一的国家教学大纲、相关出版法律及教育督导体系完成对中小学教科书的监管和问责。研究发现,法国教科书不仅在内容选择上严格遵循国家教学大纲,其巧妙的编排也恰当地回应了国民教育部对学生知识和能力的要求:时间轴和地图的使用旨在帮助学生建立历史的时空观;版面的设计方便教师开展基于问题的教学或组织跨学科学习;丰富多样的史料要求学生批判性地辨识信息、建构知识。整体来看,法国历史教科书坚守着法兰西第五共和国的基本价值,强调教育作为公共服务的"中立"属性,维护着教育世俗化的原则。教材在内容的选择上承认并正视本国的历史污点,引导学生直面历史。但同时,教科书的叙述主要围绕地中海文明展开,少有对东方文明的讨论,表现出了法国历史教科书西方中心主义的倾向,潜移默化地向学生灌输了"以西方文明为坐标来衡量评价全球发展"的思想。 The national studies of textbook,especially the national studies of history textbooks,not only reflect the educational goals of the nation-state,but also the country’s view of history,world outlook,and values.This study took French history textbooks as an example,carefully sorted out the process of and principles in compilation,publication,and selection of French basic education textbooks.It analyzed how the French Ministry of National Education achieved the supervision and accountability of the textbooks in primary and secondary schools by adopting a unified national syllabus,related publishing laws and education supervision system under the"one syllabus and multiple versions of textbooks,freedom of selection"system.The study found that French textbooks not only strictly follow the national syllabus in content selection,but their arrangement also appropriately responds to the requirements of the Ministry of National Education for students’knowledge and abilities.To be more specific,the timelines and maps are designed to help students establish the concept of historical time and space.The design of the layout is convenient for teachers to carry out problem-based teaching or organize interdisciplinary learning activities.Rich and diverse historical materials require students to critically identify information and to construct knowledge.Overall,French history textbooks adhere to the basic values of the Fifth French Republic.It emphasizes the"neutral"nature of education as a public service and maintain the principle of secularization of education.In the aspect of content selection,the textbooks recognize the historical stains of the country and guide students to face history directly.At the same time,however,the narratives of the textbook mainly focus around Mediterranean civilizations,with little discussion of Eastern civilizations.It shows the tendency of Western centralism in the French history textbook,and it subtly instills to the students the idea of"using western civilization as a coordinate to measure and evaluate global development".
作者 刘敏 姚苇依 LIU Min;YAO Weiyi(Institute of International and Comparative Education,Beijing Normal University,Beijing 100875,China)
出处 《比较教育学报》 CSSCI 北大核心 2021年第3期164-176,共13页 Journal of Comparative Education
基金 教育部哲学社会科学研究重大课题攻关项目“世界主要国家教材建设研究”(项目编号:18JZD017)。
关键词 法国教育 历史教科书 教材研究 教育价值 French education history textbooks study of textbooks educational values
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