
环境类型和代谢表型对中华倒刺鲃群体行为的影响 被引量:8

Effects of ecological context and metabolic phenotype on collective behaviour of qingbo Spinibarbus sinensis
摘要 鱼类个体因社会原因而聚集成群现象称作为鱼类群体行为,受到多种因素(如环境类型和能量代谢等)的影响。为考察代谢表型和环境类型对我国长江上游鲤科鱼类群体行为的影响,本研究以喜集群的中华倒刺鲃(Spinibarbus sinensis)为实验对象,在(26.1±0.1)℃水温条件下对该种鱼进行4种代谢表型[低标准代谢率/低代谢空间(低SMR/低AS)、低标准代谢率/高代谢空间(低SMR/高AS)、高标准代谢率/低代谢空间(高SMR/低AS)、高标准代谢率/高代谢空间(高SMR/高AS)]的分型并且在不同生态环境(无食物隐蔽场所、食物、食物隐蔽场所)条件下拍摄实验鱼的群体行为。结果发现:(1)中华倒刺鲃群体中的个体空间位置不受环境类型和代谢表型的影响;(2)中华倒刺鲃在空白环境(无食物隐蔽场所)和食物环境中的个体(群体)游泳速度和移动距离低于食物隐蔽场所环境,但前两种环境的个体游泳速度同步性高于食物隐蔽场所环境。(3)低SMR/低AS表型的个体空间位置的变异系数显著低于其它3种代谢表型;高SMR/高AS表型的最近邻距离以及与群体中间距离均大于低SMR/高AS和低SMR/低AS的两种代谢表型。然而,每种代谢表型在不同环境之间的最近邻距离均无差异。研究表明:虽然中华倒刺鲃群体中的个体空间位置不受环境类型和代谢表型影响,但不同代谢表型间的最近邻距离存在显著差异,暗示个体间的相互吸引力具有代谢表型依赖性;环境复杂性的增加可能不影响中华倒刺鲃的群体协调性。 Group living is a ubiquitous phenomenon among animals(e.g.,insect swarms,fish shoals,bird flocks,and mammal herds),and their collective behaviors offer us with some of nature′s great spectacles,which are closely related to metabolic phenotype of animals and ecological context.Group living confers a number of benefits and costs to individuals of the animal group.In order to examine the effects of ecological context and metabolic phenotype on collective behavior of the Cyprinidae fish,this study employed qingbo(Spinibarbus sinensis)with similar body mass and healthy condition as experimental fish at 26.1±0.1℃.Our study included five batches with each containing 40 individuals and a total of 200 individuals.Each fish group included four kinds of metabolic phenotypes(High standard metabolic rate(SMR)/High aerobic scope(AS),High SMR/High AS;High standard metabolic rate/Low aerobic scope,High SMR/Low AS;Low standard metabolic rate/High aerobic scope,Low SMR/High AS;and Low standard metabolic rate/Low aerobic scope,Low SMR/Low AS)with each metabolic phenotype containing one fish individual.The results show that no significant effects of ecological context and metabolic phenotype on individual spatial position within shoals and its coefficient of variation of the collective behavior were found under the static water condition.The swimming velocity and total movement distance at the individual and group⁃level were both higher in the food and refuge context than those in both the open water and foraging context.The synchronization of individual swimming speed of all metabolic phenotypes was lower in the food and refuge context than in both the open water and foraging context.The coefficient of variation of spatial position within shoal was lower in the Low SMR/Low AS phenotype than in other three metabolic phenotypes.The nearest neighbor distance of both the Low SMR/High AS and Low SMR/Low AS phenotype was significantly higher than that of High SMR/High AS phenotype.Additionally,the distance between the experimental fish and the group center was larger in the High SMR/High AS phenotype than in both the Low SMR/High AS and Low SMR/Low AS phenotypes.No difference in the nearest neighbor distance could be found among the four metabolic phenotypes across different ecological contexts.The present study suggests that ecological context and metabolic phenotype had no influence on the individual spatial position within shoal in juvenile qingbo,but the nearest neighbor distance of the juvenile qingbo was different between metabolic phenotypes,indicating that mutual attraction between individuals might be metabolic-phenotype dependent.The increment in complexity of ecological context did not influence group coordination of the qingbo.
作者 杨亚 凌鸿 付世建 曾令清 YANG Ya;LING Hong;FU Shijian;ZENG Linqing(Laboratory of Evolutionary Physiology and Behavior,Chongqing Key Laboratory of Animal Biology,Chongqing Normal University,Chongqing 401331,China)
出处 《生态学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2021年第11期4447-4459,共13页 Acta Ecologica Sinica
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(31300341) 重庆市教委科学技术研究项目(KJQN201900540,KJQN202000539) 重庆市留学人员回国创业创新支持计划项目(cx2019153)。
关键词 群体运动 环境复杂性 能量代谢 食物 中华倒刺鲃 collective locomotion ecological context energy metabolism food Spinibarbus sinensis
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