
经济学域观范式的若干基本原理研究 被引量:7

Study on Some Basic Principles of the Regional Paradigm of Economics
摘要 中国学派经济学应在继承近现代世界经济学丰富遗产的基础上,形成自己的范式承诺。只有实现经济学范式变革才能解释新时代的经济世界中各类经济体的行为表现,进而构建全球经济新秩序。从其行为主体的性质看,经济世界绝不是一个"同质性微观经济主体世界",而根本上是一个"多元化的域观世界"。市场经济并不是一架脱离时空条件的纯粹价格信号调节机器,所谓"市场"总是在一定的时空范围中存在,其经济调节作用也是在一定的时空范围中发挥效力的,所以,市场机制的规则空间具有非匀质性,即域观性。经济学域观范式承诺所采用的是多维度分析框架。一般会以理性、制度、文化三个维度,进行现实经济的观察和解释。在涉及复杂空间的分析中,还可以加入地理维度。与传统主流经济学强烈倾向于一元化的均衡、最优的价值取向不同,经济学的域观范式承诺更倾向于多元、包容和次优(或适应)。人类经济发展走向高度包容性的道路,才可能是和平、共存、多赢的。由于经济世界的多元性,为实现包容,就必须面对各种规则,特别是国家间规则差异的现实复杂性。 The Chinese school of economics should form its own paradigm commitment on the basis of inheriting the rich heritage of modern world economics. Only through achieving a paradigm shift in economics, we can explain the behaviour of various economies in the new economic world and then build a new global economic order. From the nature of its behavior subject, the economic world is not a "homogeneous micro-economic subject world", but fundamentally a "diversified regional world". Market economy is not just a pure regulating machine adjusting price signal free from time and space conditions. The so-called "market" always exists in a certain space-time range, and its economic regulation function is also effective within a certain space-time range. As a result, the regular space of market mechanism enjoys non-uniformity, or regional characteristics. The multi-dimensional analysis framework is adopted in the economic regional paradigm commitment, which is generally observed and interpreted through three dimensions including rationality, system and culture. Geographical dimension can also be added when analysis involves complex space situations. Different from the traditional mainstream economics, which strongly tends to be unified equilibrium and optimal value orientation, the regional paradigm commitment of economics is inclined towards being more pluralistic, inclusive and suboptimal(or adaptive). Only towards being highly inclusive, can human economic development attain the goal of peacefulness, coexistence and win-win situation. Because of the diversity of the economic world, to be inclusive, it is necessary to face the real complexity of the rules, especially the differences in rules between different countries.
作者 金碚 JIN Bei(Chinese Academy of Social Sciences,Beijing 100081)
机构地区 中国社会科学院
出处 《中央民族大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2021年第3期16-23,共8页 Journal of Minzu University of China(Philosophy and Social Sciences Edition)
关键词 经济学域观范式 中国学派经济学 市场机制规则 economics regional paradigm Chinese school of economics market mechanism rules
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