
甘蓝型油菜低温诱导的WRKY转录因子动态分析 被引量:4

Dynamic Analysis of WRKY Transcription Factors Induced by Low Temperature in Brassica napus L.
摘要 为了解甘蓝型油菜WRKY转录因子在低温胁迫下的生物学功能,解析其在抗寒调控中的作用机制。本研究通过对低温胁迫下的甘蓝型油菜转录组数据进行生物信息学分析,鉴定出65个甘蓝型油菜低温诱导WRKY转录因子,经过序列比对、染色体定位和聚类分析,发现这些转录因子聚为3个大组7个亚组,有58个转录因子不同密度地定位在17条染色体上。在不同低温胁迫阶段,Ⅲ组响应低温胁迫最为迅速,Ⅰ组响应最为迟缓,Ⅱ组在各时间点响应数目保持稳定。定量PCR分析进一步验证了这些转录因子在低温诱导下的动态性和可靠性。其结果为进一步发掘抗寒基因,促进油菜抗寒育种提供了有效借鉴。 In order to understand the biological function of WRKY transcription factors in Brassica napus under low temperature stress and analyze the mechanism of their action in the regulation of cold resistance, we identified65 WRKY transcription factors by bioinformatics analysis of the transcriptome data of Brassica napus under low temperature stress. After sequence alignment, chromosome location and cluster analysis. It was found that these transcription factors were grouped into three groups and seven subgroups, and 58 transcription factors were located on 17 chromosomes with different densities. In different stages of low temperature stress, the response of group Ⅲwas the fastest, group Ⅰ was the slowest, and the number of responses of group Ⅱ remained stable at each time point. Quantitative PCR analysis further verified the dynamic and reliability of these transcription factors under low temperature induction. The results provide an effective reference for further exploring cold resistant genes and promoting cold resistant breeding of rapeseed.
作者 杜春芳 姚琳 孙璇 咸拴狮 耿振刚 Du Chunfang;Yao Lin;Sun Xuan;Xian Shuanshi;Geng Zhengang(Cotton Research Institute,Shanxi Academy of Agricultural Sciences,Yuncheng,044000)
出处 《分子植物育种》 CAS 北大核心 2021年第10期3175-3184,共10页 Molecular Plant Breeding
基金 国家重点研发计划项目(2016YFD0101300) 山西省农科院博士基金项目(YBSJJ1803) 山西省农科院生物育种工程项目(17yzgc006)共同资助。
关键词 甘蓝型油菜 低温 WRKY转录因子 动态分析 Rapeseed Low temperature WRKY transcription factors Dynamic analysis
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