
日化产品中塑料微珠的鉴别方法研究及存在风险调查 被引量:3

Study on the Characterization Method and the Distribution Analysis of Plastic Microbeads in Daily Chemical Products
摘要 近年来,塑料微珠对生态环境的影响及危害引起了热议,世界各国采取行动逐步禁止塑料微珠的使用,我国也在2020年发布关于进一步加强塑料污染治理的意见。本文针对日化产品基体的复杂性,研究确定了固体颗粒的分离提取条件,采用傅立叶变换红外光谱法鉴定塑料微珠,并使用显微镜观察塑料微珠的形态和粒径,建立了高效、准确的测定日化产品中塑料微珠的方法。同时,对市售43批次日化产品中塑料微珠的存在风险做了调查研究,在20批产品中提取到固体颗粒,其中6批含塑料微珠,定性结果与产品标签标注的塑料成分一致。 In recent years,the ubiquitous occurrence of microplastics throughout the worldwide marine environment and their potential harmful impacts has become a great concern.Countries and regions around the world have taken actions to gradually prohibit the use of plastic microbeads in personal care products and cosmetics.In this paper,the separation and extraction conditions of solid particles from the matrix have been comprehensively studied for the problem of complex product matrix,and fourier transform infrared spectrometers(FT-IR)is used for material characterization of the particles,while the morphology and particle size of plastic microbeads are observed using a microscope.This study presents a rapid and reliable methods for the characterization of plastic microbeads in daily chemical products.In addition,the study on the distribution analysis of plastic microbeads in 43 daily chemical products was conducted.Solid particles were extracted form 20 products,of which 6 products were plastic microbeads.
作者 黄开胜 陈泽虹 廖佳 谷茜 倪宝江 赵彦 Huang Kaisheng;Chen Zehong;Liao Jia;Gu Qian;Ni Baojiang;Zhao Yan(Shenzhen Academy of Metrology Quality and Inspection,Shenzhen 518131,China)
出处 《广东化工》 CAS 2021年第10期69-71,68,共4页 Guangdong Chemical Industry
基金 国家标准制定计划项目(20190945-T-469) 广东省市场监督管理局科技项目(2021CZ12)。
关键词 塑料微珠 日化产品 化妆品 傅立叶变换红外光谱 plastic microbeads daily chemical products cosmetic Fourier transform infrared spectrometers(FT-IR)
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