
罗素和金岳霖论真理:一个比较研究 被引量:3

Bertrand Russell and Jin Yuelin on Truth:A Comparative Study
摘要 金岳霖在逻辑和哲学上都深受罗素的影响,在真理观上也是一样。他的真理观接近于罗素在逻辑原子论时期的真理观。他们探讨了有关真的一些类似论题,持有近似的哲学立场,如形而上学上的实在论倾向,认识论上的经验论,真理观上的符合论。但金岳霖的真理观不是罗素真理观的简单模仿、重述甚至抄袭,而有很多自己的特点和创新。例如,金岳霖强调真的如下一般特性:真是一种关系质,真没有程度之分,真不相对于时空,真不相对于知识类等,由此凸显真命题的客观性、可靠性和超越性;他论证了符合论在常识中有坚实基础,捍卫常识在哲学和科学中的地位,认为常识不可完全推翻,否定常识要依靠另一部分常识;他对质疑符合论的“主客内外”鸿沟说做出回应,提出一种认知主义事实观:事实是接受和安排了的所与,是基于所与之上的一种认知建构,兼具客观性和主观性。金岳霖是一位有深厚中西学养、独立思考、有原创性的现代中国哲学家。 Jin Yuelin(金岳霖)was deeply influenced by Bertrand Russell(罗素)not only in logic and philosophy,but also in the theory of truth.Jin's view of truth was close to Russell's in his period of logical atomism.They both discussed some similar issues about truth and held similar philosophical standpoints,e.g,realist orientation in metaphysics,empiricism in epistemology,and correspondence theory in the view of truth.But Jin's view of truth was not a simple imitation,restatement or even plagiarism of Russell's,but had a lot of its own characteristics and innovations.For example,Jin emphasized the following general characteristics of truth:truth is a sort of relative property;truth has no difference in degree;truth is not relative to time and space;and truth is not relative to the category of knowledge,so as to highlight the objectivity,reliability and transcendence of ture propositions.Jin demonstrated the solid foundation of the correspondence theory of truth in common sense,defended the position of common sense in philosophy and science,argued that common sense could not be completely overthrown,and that the rejection of a part of common sense depended upon another part of common sense.In response to the questioning about the theory of the gap between the subjective and the objective,and between the internal and the external in the correspondence theory of truth,Jin developed a cognitivist view of fact,holding that fact is what was given,which has been accepted and arranged,and it is sort of cognitive construction on the basis of what was given,with both objectivity and subjectivity.Jin Yuelin was a modern Chinese philosopher with profound Chinese and Western learning,being able to think independently and having achieved some originality in philosophy.
作者 陈波 Chen Bo(Department of Philosophy,Peking University,Bejing 100871,China)
机构地区 北京大学哲学系
出处 《北京大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2021年第3期34-53,共20页 Journal of Peking University(Philosophy and Social Sciences)
基金 国家社会科学基金重大项目“当代逻辑哲学重大前沿问题研究”(项目编号17ZDA024)的阶段性成果。
关键词 罗素 金岳霖 命题 事实 符合论 融贯论 实用主义真理论 Bertrand Russell(罗素) Jin Yuelin(金岳霖) proposition fact truth correspondence theory of truth coherence theory of truth pragmatist theory of truth
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