
孵化补贴提升了孵化服务吗?——基于广东省孵化器数据的实证研究 被引量:5

Does Incubation Subsidies Improve Incubation Services?:Empirical Study on Incubator Data of Guangdong Province
摘要 孵化补贴是政府支持孵化器发展,提升孵化服务水平常用的政策工具。孵化补贴是否有助于孵化服务水平提高,是客观判断政府孵化补贴效果的重要标准。文章基于2016—2017年的广东省孵化器数据,运用广义倾向得分匹配模型,实证检验了孵化补贴对孵化服务水平影响。研究发现,孵化补贴强度与行政管理服务、创业指导服务之间存在倒"U"型关系,即边际激励效应从递增向递减转变,孵化器对孵化网络服务投入随着孵化补贴强度的增加而增加,呈现出正相关,而投融资服务与孵化补贴没有显著的相关关系。 Government subsidy is a common policy to guide the healthy development of industry,promote employment growth and boost economic.In China,the development of incubation industry is not perfect,and the nurturing ability,service quality are needed to be improved.Incubation subsidy plays an important role in promoting the transformation of incubation,as well as improving the level of incubation service and industrial competitiveness.Take the 10 incubators listed on the new third board as an example,from 2016 to 2018,each of them received more than 10 million subsidies,and 4 of them received more than 15 million,accounting for more than 50%of the net profit.A large number of subsidies induce improper behaviors of incubators,such as"Rent-seeking"and over investment.In the transition period of economic development,government subsidies will become an important force to support the development of incubation industry.Therefore,whether China’s incubation subsidies actually promote the improvement of incubation services has become a concern.Based on the incubator data of Guangdong Province from 2016 to 2017,this research uses the generalized propensity score matching model to empirically test the impact of incubator subsidies on incubator service level.What the study found is as follows:The number of administrative staff in 2016,whether there is financial investment and the scale of incubation have a positive impact on the acquisition of incubation subsidies.Whether the incubator is in Guangzhou or Shenzhen,the age of incubation have a negative impact on obtaining incubation subsidies.The area of incubators and whether it is government led incubators have no effect on the subsidy.There is an inverted"U"relationship between incubation subsidies and administrative services,and the inverted"U"relationship also exist between incubation subsidies and entrepreneurial guidance services.When the incubation subsidy intensity is in the range of(0,0.457],the incubation subsidy has a positive impact on administrative services.When the incubation subsidy intensity is in the range of(0.457,1],the incubation subsidy has a negative impact on administrative services.Similarly,when the incubation subsidy intensity is in the range of(0,0.486),the incubation subsidy has a positive impact on entrepreneurial guidance services.When the incubation subsidy intensity is in the range of(0.486,1],the effect of incubation subsidy on guidance services is negative.The impact of incubators on incubation network services shows a positive correlation.For every 1%increase in subsidy,the incubator’s investment in network services increases by 9.87 thousand yuan,while there is no significant correlation between financing services and incubation subsidies.China’s incubation policy should reasonably design the range of subsidy intensity,establish a performance-based subsidy orientation,follow the market mechanism to ease the financing constraints from the enterprise level,and introduce the dynamic adjustment mechanism of incubation policy.
作者 许治 蔡恩娣 陈朝月 XU Zhi;CAI Endi;CHEN Chaoyue(School of Business Administration,South China university of technology,Guangzhou 510640,China;School of Management and Economics,South China Normal University,Guangzhou 510631,China)
出处 《科学学与科学技术管理》 CSSCI CSCD 北大核心 2021年第5期20-31,共12页 Science of Science and Management of S.& T.
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(7157030908) 国家社会科学基金项目(17BGL225) 中国博士后基金面上项目(2020M682756) 广东省自然科学基金面上项目(2021A1515011878)。
关键词 孵化补贴 孵化服务 广义倾向得分匹配 fractional logit回归 孵化器 incubation subsidy incubation service generalized propensity score matching model fractional logit regression incubator
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