
美国污染地块风险管控的发展历程、演变特征及启示 被引量:18

Risk management and control of contaminated sites in the United States:Development process, evolution characteristics and enlightenment
摘要 系统分析了美国环境保护署从污染地块风险管控的酝酿阶段、形成阶段到发展阶段的演变历程,阐述其内涵逐步深化、在地块治理中采取风险管控的比重逐渐升高、动态全过程管理制度逐步建立以及公众参与制度逐步完善的演变特征。基于此,提出了对我国污染地块风险管控的几点启示,即:明确内涵及路径,实现弯道超车;建立动态管理制度,强化示范推广;完善地块全周期管理,注重公众参与。 The four evolutionary stages measures for risk management and control of contaminated sites by USEPA, namely the large-scale remediation stage, the embryo stage, the formation stage, and the developing stage, were systematically analyzed. The evolutionary characteristics for each stage were illuminated, which were the development of the concept, the increase of the proportion of risk management in site management, the establishment of dynamic, whole process management system and the improvement of public involvement.Furthermore, three suggestions of policies were pointed out: 1) to specify its connotation and path and realize overtaking at curves;2) to establish dynamic management system and strengthen demonstration and promotion,and 3) to improve life cycle management of contaminated sites and encourage participation of stakeholders.
作者 焦文涛 方引青 李绍华 岳勇 丁宁 秦之瑞 张红振 JIAO Wentao;FANG Yinqing;LI Shaohua;YUE Yong;DING Ning;QIN Zhirui;ZHANG Hongzhen(Research Center for Eco-Environmental Sciences,Chinese Academy of Sciences,Beijing 100085,China;Sinochem Environment Holdings Co.,Ltd.,Beijing 100070,China;Chinese Academy for Environmental Planning,Ministry of Ecological Environment,Beijing 100012,China)
出处 《环境工程学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2021年第5期1821-1830,共10页 Chinese Journal of Environmental Engineering
基金 国家重点研发计划专项(2020YFC1807500)。
关键词 污染地块 风险管控 内涵 美国环境保护署 超级基金 contaminated site risk management and control concept USEPA superfund
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