【2021年6月4日,德国慕尼黑讯】如今的先进驾驶辅助系统(ADAS)是基于摄像头、雷达或激光雷达,只能识别位于视线范围之内的目标物体。但对于被听到的时间比被看到的时间早得多,因而在很长时间内无法被ADAS识别的应急车辆,该系统就暴露出它的弱点。为应对这一挑战,英飞凌科技股份公司(FSE:IFX/OTCQX:IFNNY)携手Reality AI打造出一套能让车辆拥有听觉能力的先进传感解决方案。该解决方案是在现有的传感器系统中增加XENSIV™MEMS麦克风,使得车辆能够“听到”拐角另一边的情况,并在盲区隐藏有移动的目标,或在应急车辆距离很远而无法被看到时,提前发出预警。
Infineon Technologies AG joined hands with Reality AI to create a set of advanced sensing solutions that enables vehicles to have hearing capability.The solution is to add XENSIV™MEMS microphones to the existing sensor system,so that the vehicle can"hear"the situation on the other side of the corner,and hide moving targets in the blind area,or give early warning when the emergency vehicle is too far away to be seen.
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