
2019年株洲市重点职业病监测结果分析 被引量:4

Analysis on monitoring results of major occupational diseases in Zhuzhou City in 2019
摘要 目的分析2019年株洲市重点职业病监测结果,以期掌握该市重点职业病发病特点和变化趋势以及重点职业病监测实施过程中存在的问题,为当地最大程度发挥重点职业病的监测和预警效能提供参考。方法收集整理2019年株洲市重点职业病监测相关数据,对重点职业病职业健康检查情况、重点职业病诊断情况等进行分析。结果共收集23 345名接触重点职业病危害因素劳动者的职业健康检查资料,其中男性19 626人,女性3 719人;年龄经检验为非正态分布资料,其M(P25,P75)为42.00(32.00,49.00)岁;矽尘作业1 749人,煤尘作业3 960人,石墨粉尘作业29人,碳黑粉尘作业49人,石棉尘作业17人,滑石粉尘作业375人,水泥粉尘作业198人,云母粉尘作业436人,陶土粉尘作业1 671人,铝尘作业717人,电焊烟尘作业3 327人,铸造粉尘作业33人,其他粉尘作业1 949人,苯作业1 056人,铅作业260人,噪声作业12 654人。接受职业健康检查人数为33 783人次,检出重点职业病危害因素作业职业禁忌证349人,检出率为1.03%;检出重点职业病危害因素作业疑似职业病333例,检出率为0.99%;诊断重点职业病63例,占当年职业病诊断总人数的98.44%(63/64)。结论 2019年株洲市重点职业病危害以煤工尘肺和矽肺为主,在重点防治尘肺病的同时,应高度关注噪声作业和苯作业劳动者职业健康监测。 Objective To analyze the monitoring results of major occupational diseases in Zhuzhou City in 2019,in order to grasp the characteristics and trends of major occupational diseases in the city and the problems in the implementation of major occupational diseases monitoring,and provide a reference for the local government to maximize the effectiveness of monitoring and early warning of key occupational diseases. Methods The relevant data of major occupational diseases monitoring in Zhuzhou City in 2019 were collected,to analyze the status of occupational health examination and diagnosis of key occupational disease.Results The occupational health examination of 23 345 workers exposed to major occupational hazards were collected,including19 626 males and 3 719 females. The age was non normal distribution data,with M(P25,P75) of 42.00(32.00,49.00) years old.There were 1 749 workers exposed to silica dust,3 960 exposed to coal dust,29 exposed to graphite dust,49 exposed to carbon black dust,17 exposed to asbestos dust,375 exposed to talc dust,198 exposed to cement dust,436 exposed to mica dust,1 671 exposed to ceramic dust,717 exposed to aluminum dust,3 327 exposed to welding fume,33 exposed to casting dust,1 949 exposed to other dust,1 056 exposed to benzene,260 exposed to lead,and 12 654 exposed to noise. There were totally 33 783 person-time for occupational health examination. 349 workers were detected as occupational contraindications for major occupational,with the detection rate of 1.03%,333 cases of suspected occupational diseases of major occupational hazards were detected,with the detection rate of 0.99%,and 63 cases of major occupational diseases were diagnosed,accounting for 98.44%(63/64) of the total number of occupational diseases diagnosed in that year. Conclusion Coal Worker’s pneumoconiosis and silicosis are the main occupational diseases in Zhuzhou City in 2019. The occupational health monitoring of workers exposed to noise and benzene should be paid more attention to while controlling pneumoconiosis.
作者 邱艳霞 蒋少波 唐炼红 孙康 朱新河 QIU Yan-xia;JIANG Shao-bo;TANG Lian-hong;SUN Kang;ZHU Xin-he(Office,Zhuzhou City Centre for Occupational Health and Prevention,Zhuzhou Hunan,412000,China;Quality Control Department,Zhuzhou City Centre for Occupational Health and Prevention,Zhuzhou Hunan,412000,China)
出处 《职业与健康》 CAS 2021年第8期1024-1027,共4页 Occupation and Health
关键词 重点职业病 职业禁忌证 疑似职业病 煤尘 矽尘 噪声 Major occupational diseases Occupational contraindication Suspected occupational diseases Coal dust Silica Dust Noise Benzene
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