
智慧煤矿中边缘计算任务分配研究 被引量:6

Research on task allocation of edge computing in intelligent coal mine
摘要 目前智慧煤矿边缘计算中的任务分配大多采用集中式分配算法,划分任务优先级时考虑的因素较单一,且未考虑煤矿网络拓扑的窄长型特征。针对该问题,结合煤矿场景下任务的特点,提出一种基于动态优先级和实时竞价策略的边缘计算任务分配策略。对任务进行分类:一方面,将计算量超过边缘节点计算能力的任务直接上传至云端进行处理;另一方面,将能够在边缘计算层处理的任务按重要程度划分为3个等级:第1等级为环境监控相关任务及工作人员安全操作规程检测相关任务;第2等级为生产过程设备状态监控相关任务;第3等级为其他常规任务。但仅仅按照这3个等级进行任务分配,会导致优先级低的任务被优先级高的任务阻塞。必须考虑任务的紧迫程度,让临近截止时间的任务提高优先级。根据任务的固定优先级、紧迫程度和计算量动态生成优先级并更新任务队列。针对煤矿井下巷道狭长、传输受限等特点,建立任务分配的实时竞价模型,通过边缘节点计算能力、处理时间、能耗和等待时间4个因素确定边缘节点对任务的报价,请求节点将任务传输到2跳范围内处理代价最低且满足任务需求的边缘节点执行,从而完成任务分配。仿真结果表明,所提任务分配策略可将任务分配到算力匹配的边缘节点进行处理,使边缘节点优先处理紧迫且重要的任务,在降低时延和能耗、优化资源分配方面取得了较好的效果。 Most of the current task allocation of edge computing in intelligent coal mine uses centralized allocation algorithms,which takes a single factor into account when prioritizing tasks and does not consider the narrow and long characteristics of the coal mine network topology.In order to solve this problem,combined with the characteristics of tasks in coal mine scenarios,an edge computing task allocation strategy based on dynamic priority and real-time bidding strategy is proposed.The tasks are classified into different levels.On the one hand,tasks that exceed the computing capacity of edge nodes are directly uploaded to the cloud for processing.On the other hand,the tasks that can be processed at the edge computing layer are classified into three levels according to their importance.Level 1 is for tasks related to environmental monitoring and staff safety operation protocol detection.Level 2 is for tasks related to production process equipment status monitoring.And level 3 is for other routine tasks.However,allocating tasks according to these 3 levels alone can cause low priority tasks to be blocked by high priority tasks.The urgency of the task must be considered as well so that the tasks approaching the deadline are given higher priority.The priority is dynamically generated and the task queue is updated according to the fixed priority,urgency and calculation amount of the task.According to the characteristics of narrow and long underground coal mine roadways and restricted transmission,a real-time bidding model for task allocation is established.The quotation of the edge node for tasks is determined by four factors,including computing capacity,processing time,energy consumption and waiting time of the edge node.The requesting node transmits the task to the edge node that has the lowest processing cost within 2 hops and satisfies the task demand for execution,thereby completing task allocation.The simulation results show that the proposed task allocation strategy can allocate tasks to edge nodes with matching computing power for processing,so that edge nodes can process urgent and important tasks first.The method achieves better results in reducing delay and energy consumption,and optimizing resource allocation.
作者 朱晓娟 张浩 ZHU Xiaojuan;ZHANG Hao(School of Computer Science and Engineering, Anhui University of Science & Technology, Huainan 232001, China)
出处 《工矿自动化》 北大核心 2021年第6期32-39,共8页 Journal Of Mine Automation
基金 安徽高校自然科学研究项目(KJ2020A0300) 安徽理工大学人才引进基金项目(13190310)。
关键词 智慧煤矿 边缘计算 云计算 任务分配 动态优先级 竞价策略 边缘节点 intelligent coal mine edge computing cloud computing task allocation dynamic priority bidding strategy edge node
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