
跨越百年歧视的抗争:深陷高校招生种族争议旋涡中的当代美国亚裔群体 被引量:1

Struggle across a Century of Discrimination:Contemporary Asian American Groups Caught in the Vortex of Racial Disputes about College Admissions
摘要 种族差异是美国社会最主要的社会矛盾之一,而亚裔则是其中处境特殊的少数族群。在过往的百多年间,亚裔群体经历了“被歧视”到“被神化”的经历,他们在高校招生中遭遇了系统的被“逆向歧视”:许多美国高校以种族多元化为由对亚裔学生设置了限额,亚裔学生必须要比其他族群学生表现得更优秀才可能被录取。针对亚裔学生的歧视和限制在美国各地存在不同的做法和争议,而加州则是全美争议最为典型的地区,该州涉及亚裔的一系列法案在激烈的政治争斗下出现了多次反复。针对过往的遭遇,亚裔群体近些年一改以往的沉默开始全力抗争,起诉哈佛大学就是其中的标志性事件。尽管此次诉讼目前尚未取得成功,但亚裔群体积极抗争的应对态度和作为,对于改变其多年来的不良处境是大有裨益的。 Racial differences are one of the most important social contradictions in American society,and Asian American are a minority group in a special situation. In the past hundred years,Asian American groups have experienced "discrimination" to "deification". They have encountered systematic "reverse discrimination" in college admissions:Many American colleges and universities have used racial diversity as an excuse for Asians.A quota is set for students of ethnic origin,and Asian American students must perform better than students of other ethnic groups before they can be admitted. Discrimination and restrictions against Asian students have different practices and controversies across the United States,and California is the most controversial region in the United States. A series of bills involving Asians in the state have been repeated in fierce political battles. In response to past experiences,Asian groups have changed their silence in recent years and began to fight with all their strength. The prosecution of Harvard University is a landmark event. Although the lawsuit has not yet been successful,the active attitudes and actions of the Asian American community to fight back are of great help in changing their bad situation over the years.
作者 钟景迅 赵巾慧 ZHONG Jingxun;ZHAO Jinhui(School of Education Science,South China Normal University,Guangzhou 510631,China;No.3 Middle School in Jiexiu,Jiexiu 032000,China)
出处 《外国教育研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2021年第5期54-69,共16页 Studies in Foreign Education
基金 广东省哲学社会科学“十三五”规划2020年度一般项目“广东中小学教师‘县管校聘’政策的实施现状及其改进路径研究”(项目编号:GD20CJY11) 2019年度广东省普通高校人文社科重点研究基地粤港澳大湾区教育发展高等研究院课题“粤港澳大湾区基础教育均衡发展路径机制研究”(项目批准号:DWQJY-2019-A-009)。
关键词 美国亚裔群体 高校招生 逆向歧视 肯定性行动 起诉哈佛大学 Asian Americans college enrollment positive discrimination affirmative action Prosecution of Harvard University
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