
考虑渠道偏好和产品差异偏好的双渠道供应链定价策略研究 被引量:3

Research on Pricing Strategy of Dual Channel Supply Chain Considering Channel Preference and Product Difference Preference
摘要 传统制造企业在当前的竞争环境下积极寻求着经营模式的优化,双渠道供应链在保留了传统的线下零售渠道的基础上增加了线上的直销渠道,这种模式从一定程度上增加了制造商的市场份额和利润。文章在相关文献的基础上,对双渠道供应链进行建模,分析其定价决策问题,并以产品差异性的各因素作为主要变量构建定价决策模型,采用消费者效用理论和斯塔克尔伯格博弈进行求解,得出最优定价决策,并分析参数变化对利润的影响%研究发现,在制造商或零售商选择加入市场前,需要考虑消费者的消费偏好,如价格敏感性、产品差异敏感性等对消费者估值的影响。当消费者的产品差异性偏好占主导时,零售商的利润随着消费者的渠道偏好的增大而降低,随着消费者对产品差异性的偏好增加而增加,而零售商存在最优服务水平决策%当渠道偏好占主导时,制造商可以先主打低价策略,占领市场份额,培养消费者的消费习惯,同时为直销渠道配备一定的附加服务,比如提高物流服务水平、提供完善的售后服务等有针对性的策略,可以明显提高企业的市场占有率%零售商不应采取增大服务水平投入的手段来挽回消费者,投入过大可能会带来巨大损失。 Under the current competitive environment,traditional manufacturing enterprises are actively seeking to optimize the business model.The dual-channel supply chain has increased the number of online direct sales channels on the basis of retaining the traditional offline retail channels and increased the manufacturer's market share and profits.Based on the relevant literature,the article models the dual-channel supply chain,analyzes its pricing decision problems,and uses the factors of product differentiation as the main variables to build a pricing decision model,using consumer utility theory and Stackelberg game to draw the optimal pricing decision,and analyze the effect of parameter changes on profit.The study found that before a manufacturer or retailer chooses to join the market,it is necessary to consider the consumer's consumer preferences,such as price sensitivity and product difference sensitivity.When the consumer's product preference is dominant,the retailer's profit decreases as the consumer's channel preference increases,and the consumer's preference for product dfferentiation increases,and the retailer has optimal service level decision.When channel preferences dominate,manufacturers can focus on low-price strategies to occupy market share and cultivate consumer habits.And at the same time direct sales channels is equipped with certain additional services,such as improving logistics service levels and providing comprehensive after-sales service.Targeted strategies can significantly increase the company's market share.Retailers should not take measures to increase the service level investment to recover consumers and excessive investment may bring huge losses.
作者 刘莉 虞亚男 LIU Li;YU Ya-nan(School of Economics and Management,Southeast University,Nanjing Jiangsu 211189,China)
出处 《信息与管理研究》 2021年第2期65-78,共14页 Journal of Information and Management
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(71771053,71371003) 江苏省重点研发计划(现代农业)项目(BE2018385)。
关键词 双渠道供应链 渠道偏好 产品差异 服务水平 dual-channel supply chain channel preferences/product differentiation service level
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