
欧盟国家生物质能源供热利用综合分区——欧洲经验对中国的借鉴 被引量:3

Comprehensive zoning of biomass energy heating in EU countries:reference for China from European experience
摘要 供热是全球最大的能源消费领域,全球终端能源消费中供热占到50%左右。2019年国际能源署指出:发展可再生能源供热已经成为全球应对气候变化、治理环境污染、促进能源转型与可持续发展的关键途径。生物质能源作为优先发展的可再生供热来源而受到世界各国的重视。欧盟国家生物质供热事业发展较早、技术较为成熟、政策体系较为完善,其生物热能占欧盟可再生热能消费总量的86%,效果颇为显著,成为供热行业脱碳的重要动力,在全球范围具有极高的示范效应。文章构建欧盟国家生物质能源供热利用综合分区理论框架,基于对生物质能源供热体系供需潜力的测算,通过FCM法对欧盟28个国家的生物质资源利用现状进行量化分区。结果表明,欧盟各国生物质能源供热利用存在显著差异,可以分为五类利用综合区,分别是重点发展类(芬兰、瑞典、丹麦、爱沙尼亚、立陶宛和拉脱维亚)、资源优先类(奥地利、克罗地亚、保加利亚、罗马尼亚和斯洛文尼亚)、政策导向类(德国、意大利、葡萄牙和塞浦路斯)、潜力良好类(捷克、匈牙利、希腊、西班牙、波兰、法国和斯洛伐克)和匮乏迟缓类(英国、荷兰、比利时、爱尔兰、卢森堡和马耳他)。同时,探讨不同类型的欧盟国家生物质供热利用的特点和形成原因,并结合中国现阶段供热实际情况及未来可再生能源发展即将面临的挑战,总结欧盟国家成熟的供热体系和丰富的供热经验,提出有利于中国清洁供暖发展、能源高效利用、能源供应安全以及能源结构升级的一些启示和借鉴。 Heat is the largest energy end-use in the world, accounting for about 50% of global final energy consumption. In 2019, the International Energy Agency pointed out that the development of renewable energy heating has become a key way for the global response to climate change, environmental pollution control, energy transformation and sustainable development. Biomass energy as a priority for the development of renewable heat sources has been valued by countries around the world. Developed earlier in the EU countries, their biomass heating technology is more mature, and their policy system is more comprehensive. Accounting for 86% of the total renewable thermal energy consumption, biothermal energy in these countries has achieved significant effect and become an important driving force for the decarbonization of the heating industry. This practice has a very high demonstration effect globally. This paper constructs a comprehensive zoning theoretical framework of biomass energy heating and utilization in the EU countries. Based on the calculation of the supply and demand potential of biomass energy heating system, the FCM method is used to quantify the status of biomass resource utilization in 28 EU countries. The results show that there are significant differences in the utilization of biomass energy heating in the EU countries, which can be divided into five categories of comprehensive zones, which are the key development category(Finland, Sweden, Denmark, Estonia, Lithuania and Latvia), resource priority category(Austria, Croatia, Bulgaria, Romania, and Slovenia), policy-oriented category(Germany, Italy, Portugal, and Cyprus), good-potential category(Czech Republic, Hungary, Greece, Spain, Poland, France, and Slovakia) and under-developed category(UK, Netherlands, Belgium, Ireland, Luxembourg and Malta). At the same time, this paper discusses the characteristics and causes of biomass heating utilization of different types of EU countries, and summarizes the mature heating systems and rich experience in the EU countries with China’s current heating situation and its future challenges concerning renewable energy development. Finally, this study provides some implications for China’s clean heating development, energy efficient use, energy supply security and energy structure upgrade.
作者 宋晨晨 何继江 张浩然 SONG Chenchen;HE Jijiang;ZHANG Haoran(Enengy Transformation and Social Development Research Center,Tsinghua University,Bejjing 100084,China;Space Information Science Research Center,Tokyo University,Tokyo 277-8568,Japan)
出处 《中国人口·资源与环境》 CSSCI CSCD 北大核心 2021年第5期67-76,共10页 China Population,Resources and Environment
基金 国家重点研发计划政府间项目、中国与芬兰政府间科技合作项目:“EIR计划——新型城镇能源互联系统研究及试点应用”(批准号:SQ2018YFE0196500)。
关键词 欧盟 生物质能源 供热 综合分区 供需 EU biomass energy heating comprehensive zoning supply and demand
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