

Application of Audio Frequency Induction-loop System in Double-deck Passenger Car
摘要 为了提高听觉障碍人士的乘车舒适性,在双层客车上安装应用音频感应环系统。音频感应环系统主要由音频感应驱动器和磁性线圈2部分组成。根据EN 60118-4:2015《电声学助听器第4部分:用于助听器的感应回路系统系统性能要求》标准要求,尽量将音频感应环系统覆盖到车厢的上层、下层和中间层,并使用音频感应驱动器增加音频感应环系统磁场强度,避免车厢内出现音频感应死角。使用专业测试工具,测试音频感应环系统。结果表明,音频感应环系统性能满足标准要求。 In order to improve the comfort of the hearing-impaired,the audio induction-loop system is installed on the double-deck passenger car.The audio induction-loop system is mainly composed of audio induction driver and magnetic coil.According to EN 60118-4:2015 Electroacoustics-Hearing aids-Part 4:Induction-loop systems for hearing aid purposes-System performance requirements,it tries to cover the upper,lower and middle layers of the car with the audio induction-loop system,and uses the audio induction driver to increase the magnetic field strength,so as to avoid the audio induction dead angle.Using professional testing tools and test the audio induction-loop system.Results show that,it meets the standard requirements.
作者 石华 毕越宽 冯宝祥 康铁雷 SHI Hua;BI Yuekuan;FENG Baoxiang;KANG Tielei
出处 《铁道技术监督》 2021年第6期52-55,共4页 Railway Quality Control
关键词 双层客车 音频感应环系统 音频感应驱动器 Double-deck Passenger Car Audio Induction-loop System Audio Induction-loop Driver
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