浙藏敦114号藏文文书记载了五代归义军节度使曹议金时期肃州政权与归义军的关系,龙家、柔然、回鹘等部族在肃州一带活动的情况以及肃州地区的佛教信仰状况。汉藏文书的记载显示了柔然(ru ru)部族活动在瓜沙西北伊州附近,晚唐五代时期自漠北迁入,龙家(lung’bangs)部族自8世纪末吐蕃占领西域焉耆后即迁入河西甘、凉地区,与羌(dor po,党项)毗邻而居,晚唐五代时期又迁入肃州,成为肃州主要部族。
The manuscript of Zhe cang No.Dun 114 records the relationship between Su zhou regime and Gui yi jun regime during the Gui yi jun Jie du shi Cao yi jing’s era in the five dynasties,it also records the condition about lung,ru ru,and Uighor,and the condition about the Budhism faith in Su zhou erea.The dun huang Chinese and Tibetan manuscripts wrote that ru ru tribe inhabited in Yi zhou erea in the northwest of Gua zhou and Sha zhou erea,they came there from Mo bei area during the late Tang and five dynasties’ era.The lung’ bangs tribe came Gan zhou and Liang zhou erea in the late 8 th century when the Tibetan conquered Yan qi in Xi yu erea,they inhabited there with dor po tribe,and came into Su zhou during the era of the late Tang dynasty and five dynasties,became the main tribe in Su zhou erea at last.
Journal of Qinghai Minzu University:Social Sciences
国家社会科学基金重大项目“《敦煌本吐蕃历史文书》相关民族、人物、事件研究及分年、分类辑注”(项目编号:17ZD A212)