“在日德兰半岛的三角地区(Triangle Region)有一个新居民,一个新的物种,它是Diodon。它多彩而透明,为派对存在,被聚会激活。它的形式介于水母与河豚之间,但只生活在被人群,音乐和乐趣所包围的地方。当环境变得安静,当其领地失去人们踪影,Diodon便会消失。”
In the Jutland peninsula there is a new inhabitant.A new specie has been seen in the Triangle Region.It is Diodon,a colorful and transparent being that mysteriously activates with parties.Halfway between a jellyfish and a balloonfish Diodon only lives surrounded by people,music and fun.When its ecosystem remains in silence,when its territory is emptied,Diodon deflates and disappears.
World Architecture Review