
老年人社会参与和认知功能的关系:感知压力的中介作用 被引量:7

Relationship between social participation and cognitive function of the elderly:The mediating role of perceived stress
摘要 目的:分析老年人社会参与的活动类型和认知功能的关系,并探讨感知压力在社会参与和相关认知功能领域的中介作用。方法:于2019年4—6月对福州市某医院健康体检的老年人进行认知功能评估,采用社会活动参与量表、感知压力量表、蒙特利尔认知功能评估量表、Boston命名测验、Rey听觉词语学习测验、Stroop色词测验量表分别调查老年人的社会参与、感知压力、整体认知功能和特定认知领域。结果:纳入研究的110例受试者中,平时有参加团体活动、体育锻炼和智力活动的老年人MoCA评分高于未参加这些活动的人群;感知压力在老年人社会参与和认知功能之间存在中介效应,Bootstrap检验显示间接效应β=0.153(P<0.001,95%CI=0.079~0.247),中介效应的效应量为38.3%;并且社会参与可以通过感知压力对Boston命名测试、RAVLT即时回忆和延迟回忆存在正相关。结论:老年人通过参与社会的团体活动、体育锻炼和智力活动对认知功能具有益处,感知压力可以中介社会参与和整体认知功能、语言功能、记忆力的关系。 Objective:To analyze the relationship between the types of social participation and cognitive function in the elderly, and to explore the mediating role of perceived stress in the field of social participation and related cognitive function.Methods:In this study, the cognitive function of the elderly people who were examined by the hospital of Fujian province from April 2019 to June 2019 were screened.Assesment of Social activity, Perceived stress scale, Montreal Cognitive Assessment, Boston Naming Test, Rey Auditory Verbal Learning Test and Stroop Color-Word Test were used to investigate the social participation, perceived stress, global cognitive function and other cognitive function areas of the elderly.Results:Among the 110 subjects included in the study, the MoCA scores of the elderly people who participated in group activities, physical exercise and intellectual activities were higher than those who did not participate in these activities.There was a mediating effect of perceived stress between social participation and cognitive function of the elderly.Bootstrap test showed that the indirect effect β=0.153(P<0.001,95%CI=0.079~0.247),and the amount of mediating effect was 38.3%.And social participation could be positively correlated with Boston naming test, RAVLT immediate recall and delayed recall through the mechanism of stress.Conclusion:Group participation, physical exercise and intellectual activities in social activities are positively related to cognitive function.Perceived stress can mediate the relationship between social participation and the global cognitive function, language function and memory.
作者 冯腾宇 吴劲松 尹莲花 韩梦宇 杨挺 黄佳 刘志臻 FENG Tengyu;WU Jinsong;YIN Lianhua(College of Rehabilitation Medicine,Fujian University of Traditional Chinese Medicine,Fuzhou 3S0122,China)
出处 《中国健康心理学杂志》 北大核心 2021年第6期801-805,共5页 China Journal of Health Psychology
基金 国家自然科学基金(编号:81973928) 福建省自然科学基金(编号:2018J01880) 福建省教育厅高校杰出青年科研人才培育计划项目 福建省康复技术协同创新中心项目(编号:X2020003-协同)。
关键词 社会参与 感知压力 认知功能 中介效应 Social participation Perceived stress Cognitive function Mediating role
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