
生理盐水导引腔内心电图技术在新生儿脐静脉置管定位中的应用 被引量:7

Application of the intracavitary electrocardiogram(IC-ECG)with column of normal saline technique in placement of umbilical vein catheter in neonates
摘要 目的探讨生理盐水导引腔内心电图技术辅助脐静脉置管术导管尖端定位在新生儿脐静脉置管中的应用效果。方法按照时间顺序,将84例脐静脉置管新生儿分为两组各42例,对照组采用传统方法置管后,行床旁胸腹部X线摄片确定导管尖端位置;干预组采用生理盐水导引腔内心电图技术辅助脐静脉置管术导管尖端定位,结合胸腹部X线摄片双重定位导管尖端位置。结果两组导管尖端位置分布比较,差异有统计学意义(P<0.01),干预组导管尖端位置精准率高于对照组,而尖端位置过深率低于对照组。结论采用生理盐水导引腔内心电图技术辅助脐静脉置管术导管尖端定位的精准率高,能够在置管过程中精准调节导管置入深度。 Objective To explore the effect of applying the intracavitary electrocardiogram(IC-ECG)with column of normal saline technique in placement of umbilical vein catheter(UVC)in neonates.Methods According to time sequence,84 newborns to receive UVC placement were divided into two groups,with 42 cases in each group.The control group received UVC placement with traditional method,which required bed-side X-ray imaging of the abdomen and the chest to verify the catheter tip,while the intervention group received UVC placement using the IC-ECG with column of normal saline technique,and then subjected to X-ray imaging method to verify the catheter tip.Results The distribution of catheter tip position between the 2 groups had significant difference(P<0.01),with the intervention group enjoying higher rate of correct tip position,and lower rate of deeper tip position,than the controls.Conclusion The application of the IC-ECG with column of 0.9%saline technique in UVC placement,which allowed precise adjustment of catheter tip during catheter insertion,enjoyed higher rate of correct tip position.
作者 汪丽平 鲁琦 张海玲 倪雨琴 Wang Liping;Lu Qi;Zhang Hailing;Ni Yuqin(Department of Neonatology,The First Affiliated Hospital of University of Science and Technology of China(Anhui Provincial Hospital),Hefei 230001,China)
出处 《护理学杂志》 CSCD 北大核心 2021年第11期1-3,共3页 Journal of Nursing Science
关键词 新生儿 脐静脉置管术 腔内心电图引导技术 导管尖端定位 P波 生理盐水 newborn umbilical vein catheterization intracavitary electrocardiogram guidance technique catheter tip positioning P wave normal saline
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