
从心理学角度见大历诗歌中悲伤感对创作的影响 被引量:1

On the Influence of Sadness on the Creation of Dali Poetry from the Perspective of Psychology
摘要 大历诗歌是连接盛唐诗歌与元和诗坛中间的过度阶段,此时段时期诗歌风格常被总结为“气骨顿衰”,作品中带有明显的悲伤感情特点。在大历时期,由于诗人所处的年代影响,诗歌中所反映的情绪普遍比较低沉,诗人也往往借由诗歌书写自己的悲伤之感。由于此时诗歌中的感情因素过于明显,以心理学分析悲伤感对于大历诗歌产生的各种影响。发现在大历时期,诗人看待诗歌的眼光也较盛唐有所不同,更多视诗歌为发泄情感的工具,而较少有心情在诗歌写作中有一番作为,这样影响到大历诗歌呈现出的缺乏创新以及模式化的缺陷。。 Dali poetry refers the the transitional stage from the poetry in the Tang Dynasty to that of the Yuan Dynasty.The poetry style of this period is often boiled down to“languid and weak style”,because the poetry is tainted with the obviously sad features.Owing to the influence of the era,the poets often express their sadness with the low spirit by virtue of the poems.In view of the fact that the poems at this period contain the obviously emotional factors,this paper analyzes the various influences of sadness on Dali poetry from the perspective of psychology,and finds that the poets at the Dali period have a different view of poetry from those in the Tang dynasty,who regard poetry more as a tool to vent their emotions,and have fewer ambitions in poetry writing,which leads to the lack of innovation and the defects of pattern in Dali poetry.
作者 凌睿乙 Ling Ruiyi(School of Literature,Liaoning University,Shenyang 110136,China)
机构地区 辽宁大学文学院
出处 《黑河学院学报》 2021年第6期181-183,186,共4页 Journal of Heihe University
关键词 大历诗歌 心理学 跨学科研究 悲伤感书写 Dali poetry psychology interdisciplinary research sadness writing
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