
乔伊斯圣症——拉康精神分析视域下的文学与书写 被引量:2

Joyce le Sinthome:Literature and Writing under the Perspective of Lacanian Psychoanalysis
摘要 文学历来是精神分析中的常见话题。从弗洛伊德到拉康,由于二者所持理论立场与伦理关切的变化,文学从主体的"症状"升格至"圣症"。拉康通过分析"乔伊斯圣症",实现了其在文学批评维度上的理论建构,即文学作为主体的圣症:一方面,文学以书写实现对想象界和象征界的挣脱,以意义缩减的方式使字符复位,呈现了作者的无意识欢爽;另一方面,作者通过书写为自己命名,进而以圣症的形式形成了波罗米安结的第四环,避免了其因不能内嵌入想象界、象征界而遭致溃散的结果。在拉康精神分析视域下,文学乃至其他类型的艺术创作,都具有圣症的性质,它们以关于人"做的知识"使人远离了欲望的吞噬,从而实现对人之主体的保护。 From the onset of psychoanalysis, literature has been its common topic. The change in theoretical positions and ethical concerns from Sigmund Freud to Jacques Lacan led to the upgrading of literature from the symptom to the sinthome of the subject. Lacan theorized his literary criticism by analysing the "Joyce lesinthome", and hence the proposition of literature as the sinthome of the subject. On the one hand, literature enacts a break-away from the imaginary and the symbolic by way of writing, and represents the subject’s jouissance of the unconscious by way of a resetting of letters through meaning reduction. On the other hand, the author enacts self-naming by way of writing, and then forms the fourth ring of the Borromean Knot in the form of sinthome, avoiding the collapse of the subject caused by its inability to be embedded in the imaginary and the symbolic. From the perspective of Lacanian psychoanalysis, literature and other types of artistic creation share the property of sinthome. They protect the human subjecthood with "the knowledge of doing" by keeping people away from the devouring of desire.
作者 叶娟娟 Ye Juanjuan(the Department of Chinese Language and Literature,East China Normal University,Shanghai 200241,China)
出处 《文艺理论研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2021年第3期113-122,共10页 Theoretical Studies in Literature and Art
基金 国家社科基金青年项目“列维纳斯与文学批评研究”[项目编号:16CZW005]的阶段性成果。
关键词 精神分析 拉康 乔伊斯 文学 圣症 Psychoanalysis Jacques Lacan James Joyce literature sinthome
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