
乡村民宿旅游地游客忠诚度影响因素及作用机制——基于ABC态度模型视角的实证分析 被引量:50

Influencing Factors and Mechanism of Tourist Loyalty in Rural Homestay(B&B)Tourist Destination:An Empirical Analysis Based on ABC Attitude Model
摘要 基于ABC态度模型,构建乡村民宿旅游地游客忠诚度结构关系模型,以野溪铺村和锡福村为案例地,运用验证性因子分析方法,探讨乡村民宿旅游地游客忠诚度影响因素及作用机制。结果表明:(1)乡村民宿旅游地游客忠诚度影响因素和作用机制符合ABC态度模型,是认知—情感—行为序列的连续过程。(2)影响因素分四个方面:在直接影响因素中,感知价值、旅游涉入、品牌体验、品牌个性及满意度均对游客忠诚度有显著的正向影响;在间接影响因素中,感知价值、旅游涉入、品牌个性、品牌体验等均通过满意度间接影响忠诚度,品牌体验、满意度在品牌个性对忠诚度中起部分中介作用得以证实;在总效应中,满意度对忠诚度影响最大(0.465),对品牌体验影响最小(0.185);在二维影响因素中,情感价值和成本价值、自我表现性、真诚的和关爱的、行为体验因子对忠诚度正向影响更为显著。(3)作用机制方面,推力因素和拉力因素相互作用及二者对忠诚度的影响构成乡村民宿旅游地游客忠诚度推力机制和拉力机制,态度认知成分通过情感成分影响行为成分构成忠诚度传导机制。 Based on Rosenberg and Hovland’s ABC attitude model, this paper constructs a structure model of tourist loyalty in rural homestay tourist destination, and probes into its influencing factors and mechanism in rural homestay tourist destination by the means of the confirmatory factor analysis. The results show that: 1) Influencing factors and mechanism of tourist loyalty in rural homestay tourist destination which accords with ABC attitude model is a continuous process of cognition,emotion and behavior sequence. 2) The influencing factors of tourist loyalty in rural homestay tourist destination include four aspects: From the perspective of the direct influencing factors,cognitive components of attitudes perceived value,tourism involvement, brand experience,brand personality and satisfaction all have a significant positive impact on tourist loyalty in rural homestay tourist destination. From the perspective of the indirect influencing factors,perceived value, travel involvement, brand personality and brand experience all indirectly influence loyalty through satisfaction, the partial mediating effect of brand experience and satisfaction between brand personality and loyalty is confirmed. From the perspective of total effects, satisfaction plays the greatest role in the tourist loyalty(0.465), while brand experience is the smallest(0.185). From the perspective of two-dimensional factor,emotional value and cost value,self expression,sincerity and caring,behavior experience have more significant positive impact on tourist loyalty in rural homestay tourist destination. 3) The interaction between push factors and pull factors and the influence of the two factors on tourist loyalty constitute the push mechanism and pull mechanism of tourist loyalty in rural homestay tourist destination. Cognitive components of attitudes affect behavioral components through affective components, which constitute the transmission mechanism of tourist loyalty.
作者 陈志军 徐飞雄 CHEN Zhijun;XU Feixiong(Tourism College,Hunan formal University,Changsha 410081,Hunan,China;School of Business,Hunan University of Science and Technology,Xiangtan 411201,Hunan,China)
出处 《经济地理》 CSSCI CSCD 北大核心 2021年第5期232-240,共9页 Economic Geography
基金 教育部人文社会科学青年基金项目(19YJC890005) 湖南省哲学社会科学成果评审委员会项目(XSP17YBZC063) 湖南省教育厅科学研究项目(19C0745)。
关键词 乡村民宿旅游地 游客忠诚度 ABC态度模型 结构关系模型 作用机制 满意度 rural homestay tourist destination tourist loyalty ABC attitude model structural relationship model mechanism satisfaction
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