
产权实现程度影响农户林业收入的机制研究--采用云南省集体林改监测数据的实证检验 被引量:6

The Impact Mechanism of Forestland Property Rights Realization Degree on Households’Forestry Income:Empirical Test Based on the Monitoring Data of Collective Forestland Property Rights Reform of Yunnan Province
摘要 新一轮集体林权制度改革改变了农户的产权结构及其实现程度,产权实现程度的变化会促使农户改变要素配置结构,进而带来林业收入的变化。利用2009-2018年“云南省集体林权制度改革跟踪监测”项目对10县500户农户的抽样调查数据,分析发现:集体林地使用权实现程度的提高会使农户减少对林业生产经营的劳动和资本投入,进而导致林业收入降低,反映出当前林业生产的比较收益较低;集体林收益权实现程度的提高会促进农户林业收入的增长,但这种促进效应更多地直接源于减税降费及生态补偿,并非由要素投入的增加引起;集体林处置权实现程度的提高则会促使农户增加对林业生产经营的劳动和资本投入,进而有利于林业收入的增长。因此,单纯的林地“三权”分置并不一定能带来林业的高质量发展和农户林业收入的增长,必须通过技术创新和政策扶持等提高林业生产的比较收益,才能使更多要素流向林业生产;要重视林业发展的生态效应,提高生态补偿标准,引导农户将更多要素持续投入林业生产经营;要进一步增强农户的集体林处置权,适当放松生态管制,建立和完善林业生态产品的价值实现机制,激发农户发展林业的积极性,在促进林业高质量发展的同时有效增加农户林业收入。 The new round of collective forest right system reform and the subsequent deepening adjustment affected the structure and realization of collective forest property right of farmers,and ultimately affected the level of forestry income of farmers.Based on the data of 500 households in 10 counties of Yunnan province during 2009-2018,the analysis shows that the improvement of the using rights realization degree of collective forestland can make the farmers reduce the input in productive labor and capital,further lead to the decline of forest income,which reflect that,currently,the comparative income of forest production is low.The improvement of the earnings realization degree of collective forestland can make the farmers’income increase,but this boosting effect is more directly coming from tax and fees reduction and ecological compensation and is not from the increase of elements input.The improvement of the realization degree of collective forestland treatment rights can boost the farmers to increase the input in labor and capital of forest production and business,and further is conducive to the growth of forest income.Therefore,the pure“three-right”separation of forestland can not be certain to bring the high quality development of forest industry and the growth of the income and input of the farmers,we must use technical innovation and policy support and so on to improve the comparative earnings of forest production so as to make more factors flow to forest production,pay attention to the ecological effect of forest development to promote ecological compensation standards,attract the farmers to continuously invest more factors in forest production and business,further strengthen the farmers’treatment rights of collective forestland,properly release the ecological control,set up and perfect the value realization mechanism of forest ecological products,excite the farmers’enthusiasm to develop forest industry,and effectively increase the farmers’forest income while boosting the high quality development of forest industry.
作者 王见 何娴昕 夏凡 WANG Jian;HE Xian-xin;XIA Fan(School of Economics,Yunnan University,Kunming 650091,Yunnan,China;School of Economics and Management,Southwest Forestry University,Kunming 650224,Yunnan,China)
出处 《西部论坛》 CSSCI 北大核心 2021年第3期110-124,共15页 West Forum
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(71873043)。
关键词 产权实现程度 林业收入 林权制度改革 集体林地使用权 集体林收益权 集体林处置权 property right realization degree forest income system reform for forest property rights using right for collective forestland the right of collective forestland earnings collective forestland treatment right
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