
一个百年大党是怎样炼成的——中国共产党保持党的纯洁性、先进性的密码探析 被引量:1

How Did a Century-old Party Come into Being: The Chinese Communist Party to Maintain the Party’s Purity, Advanced Code Analysis
摘要 "建设什么样的党、怎样建设党"是党的建设的永恒课题,先进性和纯洁性是马克思主义政党的本质属性,保持先进性和纯洁性是中国共产党在100年的发展历程中始终重视的基础工程。1921年中国共产党建党之后,不管是在革命战争年代、社会主义建设时期,还是在改革开放之后,尤其是进入新时代,都坚持把马克思主义党的学说同中国共产党党的建设实践结合起来,把党建设得坚强有力。从党的建设的伟大工程到党的建设新的伟大工程,中国共产党带领中国人民取得了一个又一个胜利,始终全心全意为人民服务,为广大人民群众执好政、掌好权,始终不忘初心、牢记使命,铸就了中国共产党百年大党的伟大形象。在自身建设和自我革命的过程中,始终以先进性和纯洁性建设为主线,形成了特色鲜明的关于党的建设的经验,有力地指导着新时代党的建设实践,打造着一个百年大党继续发展壮大并永葆青春,实现和推进着马克思主义中国化,也在不断发展着马克思主义党的学说,这正是中国共产党建党百年来的成功密码。 What kind of party to build and how to build the party is the eternal subject of party construction.Progressiveness and purity are the essential attributes of Marxist political parties,and maintaining the progressiveness and purity is the basic project of party construction.In the course of 100 years’development,the Communist Party of China has always attached importance to this basic project.After the founding of the Communist Party of China in 1921,whether in the revolutionary war years which was defined as the period of socialist construction,or after the reform and opening era,the Communist Party of China has persistently integrated Marxist party doctrines.It makes CPC strong and powerful.From the great project of party construction to the party’s construction new great project,the CPC leads the Chinese people achieved victories in many aspects which because of the good governance,palm,keep beginner’s thoughts and missions in mind and put the people in heart.After the endeavor,the CPC get a great image from the society.In the process of construction and revolution,the CPC always keep advanced nature and purity as the bottom line.The CPS keeps formming the party’s construction experience in its characteristics and guiding party construction practice in the new era.Thus,the CPC is becoming bigger and stronger and eternal youth.Besides,the CPC keeps promoting the sinicization of Marxism and develops Marxist party’s theory,These are the successful code of the Chinese Communist Party to maintain its advanced nature and purity for one hundred years.
作者 张荣臣 蒋成会 ZHANG Rongchen;JIANG Chenghui
出处 《深圳社会科学》 2021年第4期5-17,共13页 Social Sciences in Shenzhen
基金 2018年度国家社会科学基金资助重点项目“马克思主义经典作家无产阶级政党建设思想研究”(18AKS002)。
关键词 中国共产党 党的建设 新的伟大工程 成功密码 the Communist Party of China the construction of the Party the great new project the success code
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