
基于绿视率的福州市鼓楼区道路绿化水平评价 被引量:8

Road Greening Level Evaluation of Gulou District in Fuzhou Based on Visible Green Index
摘要 针对当前城市街道绿化评价中缺乏对三维空间绿化效果的考量,文章以福州市鼓楼区为例,采集该区域的百度街景图片,基于SegNet图像语义分割模型计算绿视率以评估三维空间绿化水平,通过像元二分法计算植被覆盖度表征平面绿化水平,在此基础上利用熵权法对鼓楼区道路的整体绿化水平进行评价。结果表明:1)福州市鼓楼区道路总体的绿视率均值为32.44%、植被覆盖度均值为31.32%;鼓楼区道路绿化的绿视率水平比植被覆盖度水平更稳定。2)在基于熵权法的道路整体绿化水平评价中,鼓西街道的道路整体绿化评价得分最高。3)在所有道路中,鼓西街道的北梦山路绿化水平最好,而安泰街道的新权路最差。 In view of the lack of consideration of the three-dimensional greening effect in the current urban street greening assessment,this paper takes the Gulou District of Fuzhou City as a case to collect Baidu Streetscape pictures to calculate the visible green index using the SegNet image semantic segmentation model and the vegetation coverage using the pixel dichotomy method to characterize the effect of two-dimensional greening.On this basis,the entropy weight method is used to evaluate the overall street greening level of the study area.The results show that:1)The average visible green index of street in Gulou District is 32.44%,and the average vegetation coverage is 31.32%.The overall visible green index is more stable than the vegetation coverage level;2)In the evaluation of the street greening level based on the entropy method,the overall street greening evaluation of Guxi Sub-districts is the highest scored;and 3)Among all the streets,Beimengshan Road in Guxi Sub-district has the best greening level,while Xinquan Road in Antai Sub-district has the worst.
作者 林锦涵 陈芸芝 汪小钦 Lin Jinhan;Chen Yunzhi;Wang Xiaoqin(National&Local Joint Engineering Research Center of Satellite Geospatial Information Technology,Fuzhou University,Fuzhou 350116,China;Key Laboratory of Spatial Data Mining and Information Sharing of Ministry of Education,Fuzhou 350116,China)
出处 《中国城市林业》 2021年第3期73-77,84,共6页 Journal of Chinese Urban Forestry
基金 中央引导地方科技发展专项(2017L3012)。
关键词 街景图片 绿视率 SegNet 植被覆盖度 熵权法 福州 street view picture visible green index SegNet vegetation coverage entropy weight method Fuzhou
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