
犯罪恐惧的解释模型与指标体系探究 被引量:2

Interpretation Models and Index System of Fear of Crime
摘要 犯罪恐惧相对独立于犯罪率,其对民众的日常生产生活危害极大,因此是各国重点要解决的社会治安问题之一。对犯罪恐惧的研究不同于安全感,常用的理论工具是犯罪恐惧的解释模型,包括犯罪被害模型、治安失序模型与社区关注模型。用问卷检测情绪具有的天然局限性,而我国当前研究中的提问方式又有诸多缺陷。随着研究的深入,犯罪恐惧构念效度不足的问题也逐渐暴露并动摇着研究本身的科学性。对此,宜从情绪维度建立指标体系,设置情绪的识别与过滤性问题,增加恐惧情绪的频率、强度、持续性与紧张度等指标。 Fear of crime is relatively independent of crime rate and extremely harmful to people’s daily life,so it is re⁃garded as a core social security problem that must be solved in many countries.The research on fear of crime is quite differ⁃ent from that on sense of security.The commonly used theoretical tools in research on fear of crime are interpretation mod⁃els,including the victimization model,the disorder model and the community concern model.There are primordial limita⁃tions in questionnaires as emotion measurement method,especially when the way of asking questions in the questionnaire is unreasonable.A lack of constructive validity of crime fear can also affect the scientific nature of research.So it’s better to es⁃tablish an index system based on emotional dimensions,set up emotional identification and filtering problems,and add measurement indexs like frequency,intensity,persistence and tension of emotions.
作者 邵奇聪 SHAO Qi-cong
出处 《四川警察学院学报》 2021年第3期63-70,共8页 Journal of Sichuan Police College
基金 2020年国家社会科学基金项目“矛盾纠纷风险预警预测与治理能力现代化建设研究”(20BSH073)。
关键词 犯罪恐惧 解释模型 指标体系 情绪测量 fear of crime interpretation models index system emotional measurement
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