

The Research and Practice of Integrating Intangible Cultural Heritage into the Ideological and Political Construction of Art Colleges
摘要 非物质文化遗产是人类以思想、观念、智慧的形式积淀下来的、令人心灵愉悦的特有的文化成果。怎样保护和利用好非物质文化遗产,对实现“文化强国”建设具有重要意义。近年来,国内高校也一直致力于对此类教育方法的探索和研究,如开展“人文讲坛”“易班”等非物质文化遗产进校园活动,但就效果而言,主要停留在直观展示和舆论宣传的层面。本文期望通过对非物质文化遗产与高校思政工作一体化的交叉性研究,更为清晰地打开非物质文化遗产在高校传播的途径,并探索通过学生社团的途径,将非物质文化遗产的精神文化内涵融入到高校“三全育人”工作中。本文认为不论是理论研究,还是选取上海视觉艺术学院图文信息中心自2019年引入学生社团活动为依据的实践角度研究,都具有现实意义。 Intangible cultural heritage is a unique record of cultural achievements accumulated in the form of human thoughts,concepts,and wisdom,and is pleasant to the soul.How to protect and make good use of intangible cultural heritage is of great significance to the realization of“building up the national strength through cultural development”.In recent years,domestic higher educational institutions have also been committed to the exploration of and research on such educational methods as launching"humanities forum"and"E-Class"and other intangible cultural heritage activities on campus,but in terms of effects,the scope is quite limited as they chiefly focus on visual display and public opinion propaganda.This article aims to open up clearly-defined channels for the diffusion of intangible cultural heritage in universities through cross-disciplinary research on the integration of intangible cultural heritage and the ideological and political work,and to incorporate the spirit of intangible cultural heritage into"Three All-Inclusive Ways of Education"(all staff education,whole process education and all-rounded education)in higher educational institutions through new possibilities in university clubs.This article believes that both theoretical research and practical research based on the introduction of university club activities by the Graphic Information Center of SIVA since 2019 are of practical significance.
作者 徐玮 XU Wei
出处 《上海视觉》 2021年第1期5-10,共6页 Shanghai Vision
基金 高校思政工作一体化构建的实践研究——以高校图书馆指导学生社团活动嵌入思政教育为案例(上海民办高校党建与思想政治工作2019年度课题项目,项目编号:M2019SJ21)。
关键词 非物质文化遗产 艺术类高校 思政建设 intangible cultural heritage higher educational institutions of art ideological and political construction
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