

Supplementary Investigation of the Yangbaigou Debris Flow in Shuimo Town, Wenchuan and Suggestions on Its Control
摘要 受“8·20”特大暴雨影响,汶川县水磨镇杨柏沟爆发了泥石流灾害。泥石流的发生引发了沟域内物源条件和沟道条件发生了较大变化。本文根据“8·20”泥石流发生前的物源类型和泥石流中启动物源的类型以及“泥石流后剩余物源类型,分析了泥石流物源启动机理和模式,阐述了“8·20”前原防治方案并结合现有的沟道条件,在此基础上,提出设置拦挡坝、防护提、排导槽工程相结合的治理方案,以期为达到泥石流治理,类似泥石流灾害防治提供参考借鉴。 The Yangbaigou Debris Flow in Shuimo Town,Wenchuan was caused by the heavy rainstorm on Aug.20,2011 which made the source condition and channel condition in the gully area change greatly.This paper deals with mechanism and mode of material source initiation of the debris flow based on material source type when the debris flow starts,the material source type before its occurrence and residual material source type after its occurrence on the basis of which a control scheme of the combination of retaining dam,protective lifting and drainage channel engineering is put forward.
作者 赵仕权 殷鑫铭 ZHAO Shi-quan;YIN Xin-ming(Sichuan Huadi Construction Engineering Co.Ltd.,Chengdu,Sichuan610081)
出处 《四川地质学报》 2021年第2期267-269,305,共4页 Acta Geologica Sichuan
关键词 泥石流灾害 物源 补充勘查 debris flow material source supplementary investigation control measure
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