
标准必要专利禁诉令与反禁诉令颁发的冲突及应对 被引量:22

Anti-suit Injunction and Anti-anti-suit Injunction of Standard Essential Patent:Confl icts and Countermeasures
摘要 标准必要专利国际平行诉讼出现新情况、新问题,即纠纷一方在一国法院针对对方申请颁发禁诉令,以阻止或限制对方在他国法院行使司法管辖权;而对方则在他国法院申请颁发反禁诉令,以维护在他国法院的司法管辖权。国与国之间发生禁诉令和反禁令颁发的冲突,在一定程度上是为了争夺本国处理纠纷的国际主导权和话语权。英美法系长臂管辖的禁诉令制度是造成禁诉令与反禁诉令颁发冲突的根源。域外法院突破专利权的地域性规则,率先在禁令救济纠纷中裁判标准必要专利全球许可费率,并配合适用禁诉令制度,造成禁诉令与反禁诉令颁发的冲突加剧。我国企业被申请颁发禁诉令和反禁诉令最多,受到的影响也最大,被迫采取反制措施应对。我国法院为维护民事诉讼当事人的合法权益及司法管辖权,被迫在个案中以行为保全的方式实施禁诉令制度。对待禁诉令与反禁诉令颁发的冲突问题,我国既要坚持维护国家的司法主权原则,对损害我国国家利益的行为进行有效反制,也要坚持遵守国际礼让原则,避免与其他国家的司法管辖权产生不必要的冲突,以维护有序的国际市场和司法环境。 There are new situations and new problems in the international parallel litigation of standard essential patent(SEP),that is,one party to the dispute applies an anti-suit injunction against the other party to prevent or restrict its exercise of jurisdiction in the court of another country.The other party therefore applies for an anti-anti-suit injunction in the court of another country to maintain its jurisdiction.The confl ict between these two types of injunctions is kind of a competition among jurisdictions for the leadership and power of discourse in international community.The system of injunction under the long arm jurisdiction of Anglo-American law is the root of such a confl ict.Extraterritorial courts break through the territory rules of patent,take the lead in granting injunction,adjudicate the global licensing rate of SEP,and apply anti-suit injunction system correspondingly which aggravates the confl ict.The Chinese corporations are most affected by such injunctions and they are forced to take countermeasures to deal with it.In order to protect the legal rights and interests of the litigants and China’s own jurisdiction,the Chinese courts are forced to implement the prohibition order system by the way of behavior preservation in specifi c cases.When facing the problem of such a confl ict,China should adhere to the principle of judicial sovereignty,and take effective measures against actions damaging China’s national interests,meanwhile,it needs to comply with the principle of international comity,to avoid unnecessary conflict with other country’s jurisdiction,and to maintain international market and legal order.
作者 祝建军 Zhu Jianjun
出处 《知识产权》 CSSCI 北大核心 2021年第6期14-24,共11页 Intellectual Property
关键词 标准必要专利 平行诉讼 司法管辖 长臂管辖 禁诉令 反禁诉令 公平合理 无歧视 全球许可费率 standard essential patent parallel proceedings jurisdiction long-arm jurisdiction anti-suit injunctions anti-anti-suit injunctions FRAND global licensing rate
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