
数字时代德国专利法的修订新动态述评 被引量:5

A Review of New Trends in the Revision of the German Patent Law in the Digital Age
摘要 德国司法和消费者保护部在2020年3月发布了《简化和现代化专利法第二部法律讨论草案》,随后德国议会也在2021年1月公布了相应的《联邦政府法律草案》,旨在简化和现代化专利法和工业产权保护领域的其他法律,以适应新一轮科技革命和数字化经济发展的新趋势,展露出德国为了把握新一轮科技革命的机遇,巩固和强化其科技强国的地位,继续维护其在欧洲和全球的竞争优势的初衷。德国本次对专利法等工业产权法修改的主要亮点是:紧密协调民事法院侵权诉讼和联邦专利法院无效程序的同步;进一步澄清停止侵权请求权中比例原则的适用;在专利纠纷中适用《德国商业秘密法》相应规则等。这反映了其在工业产权保护方面的价值取向乃至规则方面的微妙且重要的变化。我国在进入新发展格局和建设科技自立自强的科技强国的关键时刻,也对专利法进行了一轮新的修正和实践,适时分享借鉴德国在数字经济时代专利法的相应尝试和经验,不无益处。 In March 2020,the German Federal Ministry of Justice and Consumer Protection(BMJV)issued The Discussion Draft for a Second Law to Simplify and Modernize the Patent Act,and subsequently in January 2021,the German Parliament published the corresponding Draft Federal Government Law,which aims to simplify and modernize the Patent Act and other laws in the fi eld of industrial property protection to adapt to the new trend of digital economy development brought about by the new round of scientific and technological revolution.It indicates Germany’s original intention to seize the opportunity of the new round of scientifi c and technological revolution in order to consolidate and strengthen its status as a power of science and technology,and to maintain its competitive advantage in Europe and the world.The main highlights of this proposed amendment to the Patent Act and other industrial property laws is to coordinate the synchronization of infringement litigation in civil courts with the invalidation procedures in the Federal Patent Court,to further clarify the application of the principle of proportionality in claims of ceasing infringements,and to provide the application of corresponding provisions of the Trade Secrets Act in patent disputes,etc.,refl ecting the value orientation and even subtle changes in rules in intellectual property protection in Germany,which is noteworthy regardless of its eventual adoption.At the critical moment of entering a new development pattern and transforms into a power of science and technology with self-reliance and improvement,China is also making a new round of revisions and adjustments to intellectual property law,it can be helpful to share with and learn from Germany,on its corresponding attempts and practices in intellectual property law in the era of digital economy.
作者 单晓光 李文红 Shan Xiaoguang;Li Wenhong
出处 《知识产权》 CSSCI 北大核心 2021年第6期80-96,共17页 Intellectual Property
基金 国家社科基金重大项目“基于知识产权密集型产业的强国战略路径研究”,项目批准号(17ZDA140)的阶段性研究成果。
关键词 德国专利法 侵权诉讼 无效程序 停止侵权请求权 商业秘密 比例原则 German Patent Law infringement litigation invalidation procedures claims of ceasing infringements trade secrets principle of proportionality
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