The aim of this study was to investigate the potential of novel electrospun fiber mats loaded with alkannin and shikonin(A/S)derivatives,using as carrier a highly biocompatible,bio-derived,ecofriendly polymer such as poly[(R)-3-hydroxybutyric acid](PHB).PHB fibers containing a mixture of A/S derivatives at different ratios were successfully fabricated via electrospinning.As evidenced by scanning electron microscopy,the fibers formed a bead-free mesh with average diameters from 1.25 to 1.47 lm.Spectroscopic measurements suggest that electrospinning marginally increases the amorphous content of the predominantly crystalline PHB in the fibers,while a significant drug amount lies near the fiber surface for samples of high total A/S content.All scaffolds displayed satisfactory characteristics,with the lower concentrations of A/S mixture-loaded PHB fiber mats achieving higher porosity,water uptake ratios,and entrapment efficiencies.The in vitro dissolution studies revealed that all samples released more than 70%of the encapsulated drug after 72 h.All PHB scaffolds tested by cell viability assay were proven non-toxic for Hs27 fibroblasts,with the 0.15 wt.%sample favoring cell attachment,spreading onto the scaffold surface,as well as cell proliferation.Finally,the antimicrobial activity of PHB meshes loaded with A/S mixture was documented for Staphylococcus epidermidis and S.aureus.
This work was supported by the project‘MICROMETABOLITE’that has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme,under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie grant agreement[No 721635]
A.S.Arampatzis,K.N.Kontogiannopoulos,A.Rat,A.Willems and A.N.Assimopoulou acknowledge support of this work from MICROMETABOLITE.