

Overview of the International Ruby Jewelry Auction Market and Analysis of Its Price Influencing Factor
摘要 红宝石以其鲜艳的颜色和珍贵的价值在彩色宝石中一直占据着重要地位。红宝石首饰拍卖可以作为投资升值,规避市场风险的有效手段。研究国际红宝石首饰拍卖可以帮助宝石从业者更加深入了解全球红宝石首饰拍卖市场,更加准确地预判未来市场趋势,为投资者、收藏家提供红宝石首饰拍卖信息和购买参考。通过收集整理2008年至2019年7家拍卖行红宝石首饰拍卖记录,对国际红宝石首饰拍卖市场进行研究并对影响红宝石首饰拍卖价格的因素进行浅析。研究发现,2008年至2019年间,在2015年之前国际红宝石首饰拍卖市场成交量曾持续升高,2015年之后截至目前有所回落;苏富比和佳士得是最主要的红宝石首饰拍卖行,中国和瑞士是最重要的红宝石首饰拍卖市场;红宝石首饰拍卖价格受到多种因素综合影响,如颜色、产地、重量、净度(优化)处理、特殊光学效应、琢型等因素对红宝石首饰的价格有着明显的影响效果。 Ruby always occupies an important position among coloured gemstones with its bright colour and precious value.Ruby jewelry auctions can be used as an effective means to appreciate investment and avoid market risks.Studying international ruby jewelry auctions can help gem practitioners gain a deeper understanding of the global ruby jewelry auction market,more accurately predict future market trends,and provide investors and collectors ruby jewelry auction information and purchase references.In this paper,the authors collected and sorted the ruby jewelry auction records of 7 auction houses from 2008 to 2019,conducted research on the international ruby jewelry auction market and analyzed the factors that affect ruby jewelry auction prices.The research found that the volume of international ruby jewelry auction market has been increasing continuously in 2008-2015,and has fallen back since then.Sotheby’s and Christie’s are the most important ruby jewelry auction houses,and China and Switzerland are the most important ruby jewelry auction markets.The price of ruby is affected by multiple factors such as colour,origin,weight,clarity(optimization)treatment,special optical effects,and shapes,which have a significant impact on the price of ruby.
作者 周琦深 王彬俨 刘浩 赵越 周宇青 ZHOU Qishen;WANG Binyan;LIU Hao;ZHAO Yue;ZHOU Yuqing(Gemmological Institute, China University of Geosciences, Wuhan 430074, China)
出处 《宝石和宝石学杂志》 CAS 2021年第3期63-71,共9页 Journal of Gems & Gemmology
基金 湖北省人文社会科学重点研究基地“珠宝首饰传承与创新发展研究中心”开放基金项目(CJHIXM-03-202006),文章编号CJHIWZ-2021002。
关键词 红宝石 珠宝拍卖 市场现状 价格 影响因素 ruby jewelry auction market status price influencing factor
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