
中国共产党百年思想政治工作制度建设的历程、经验与启示 被引量:5

The History, Experience and Inspiration of the Construction of the Ideological and Political Work System of the Communist Party of China
摘要 中国共产党百年历史充分证明,思想政治工作是中国革命、建设、改革与复兴伟业的"生命线"。百年来为了提升思想政治工作质量和水平,我们党围绕不同历史时期宣传思想工作的中心任务制定和颁布了一系列思想政治工作制度。回顾百年党的思想政治工作制度建设的历史,从初步探索到科学建构,再到与时俱进、成熟定型,我们始终坚持服从服务党和国家的中心工作创建制度,坚持围绕思想政治工作的重要内容、关键人群和重点领域构建制度,坚持守正与创新相结合建构制度。以史为鉴,继往开来,新时代加强和改进思想政治工作,必须坚持马克思主义在意识形态领域指导地位的根本制度,坚持顶层设计与基层创建相统一,围绕重要内容、关键人群和重点领域进一步健全和完善思想政治工作制度,不断提升思想政治工作的科学化、规范化和现代化水平。 The 100-year history of the Communist Party of China has fully approved that ideological and political work is the"lifeline"of China’s revolution,construction,reform and revival.Over the past century,our party has formulated and promulgated a series of ideological and political work systems around the central tasks of propaganda in different historical periods to improve the quality and level of ideological and political work.Looking back at the 100-year history of our party’s ideological and political work system construction,from preliminary exploration,scientific construction to advancing with the times and finally becoming mature,we have always insisted on establishing the system around the central works of the party and the country,building the system around the important contents,groups and areas of ideological and political work,and constructing the system with the combination of integrity and innovation.Drawing lessons from history and looking to the future means,in order to strengthen and improve the ideological and political work in the new era,we must adhere to the fundamental system of Marxism’s guiding position in the ideological field,adhere to the unity of top-level design and grassroots creation,improve and perfect the ideological and political system around the important contents,groups and areas,and continuously improve the scientific,standardized and modernized level of the ideological and political work.
作者 张智 Zhang Zhi
出处 《马克思主义理论学科研究》 CSSCI 2021年第5期97-106,共10页 Studies on Marxist Theory
基金 中国人民大学科研基金项目“中国共产党百年宣传思想工作史研究”(21XNQZ31)阶段性成果。
关键词 中国共产党 思想政治工作 制度建设 经验 启示 the Communist Party of China the construction of the ideological and political work system experience inspiration
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