In 2021,Russia will celebrate the 30 th anniversary of its independence.As far as the development of human society is concerned,30 years is only a flash.As far as the history of Russia is concerned,in less than a third of a century,it has experienced changes from chaos to governance.From"the flower of democracy blooms in Russia"in the eyes of Western observers in the 1990 s to"Russia regards the western classical political system as a beautiful coat"in the eyes of Russian scholars in the 21 st century,but"‘at home’still in the traditional Russian dress".After the"Crimea incident",the United States and the West carried out a comprehensive blockade and suppression of Russia.Facing Western blockades and repression,the Russian public was full of anger and patriotism was unprecedented.Patriotic nationalism became the mainstream ideology of Russia.As a very important political work of the country,the change of Russia’s national mainstream ideology after independence reveals the importance and particularity of ideological work from one side,and also proves the reason"why the country should take the development road suitable for its national conditions".
The Northern Forum