
国家—市场视域下的城市发展:以开埠前天津为中心 被引量:4

Urban Development from the Perspective of State-market:Focusing on Tianjin before its Opening as a Commercial Port
摘要 在农业社会,城市一般都是基于政治和军事因素而形成的。城市首先是政治或军事中心,其次才是经济和文化中心,也就是说国家是城市形成的主导因素。但是,随着商品经济的发展,市场在城市形成和发展中的作用也日益增强。不同的城市,或者同一城市发展的不同阶段,国家和市场作用的大小又不尽相同。另外,国家因素如果能够顺应市场发展的需求,就会极大地促进城市的发展。明初以驻防城堡发展而来的天津卫城凭借漕运和盐业的独特区位优势促成了基础市场。随着商品经济发展,市场在卫城发展中的作用日益增强,但卫所管理体制却严重制约了市场力量,成为城市发展的瓶颈。为顺应市场发展的需求,明朝通过增设兵备、巡抚等职守,不断进行国家力量的自我调适,从而夯实了天津的区域中心市场地位,在明中期逐渐构织了以卫城为中心的北方商贸网络。晚明东亚社会的动荡,为天津演进为中心市场提供了契机,并与全球市场相连接。清雍正年间天津设府置县,使其具备了为市场提供土地、人口、资源等的潜力,推动了市场的跃升,为城市发展的现代化积蓄了实力。 In agrarian societies,cities were usually formed based on political and military factors.The primary status of a city is the political or military center,followed by the economic and cultural center,which means that the state is the leading factor in the formation of a city.However,with the development of commodity economy,the market plays an increasingly important role in the formation and development of cities.The role of the state and the market varies from city to city,and state and the market played different role even during the different stages of development of the same city.Furthermore,if the state can adapt to the needs of market development,it will greatly promote the development of the city.Tianjin Garrison Area which developed from garrisoned castles in the early Ming Dynasty created the basic market by virtue of the unique geographical advantages of water-transportation and salt industry.With the development of commodity economy,the market played an increasingly important role in Tianjin s development.The state had complied with the demand of market development and consolidated Tianjin's position as regional market.As a result,in the middle period of Ming Dynasty,the northern trade network with Tianjin being the center was gradually constructed.The social unrest in East Asia in the late Ming Dynasty provided an opportunity for Tianjin to evolve into a central market and connect with the global market.In the Qing Dynasty,Wei-suo(卫所)belonged to prefecture and county,which enable Tianjin to have the potential to provide land,population and resources for the market,and thus promoted the development of the market and accumulated strength for the modernization of the city.
作者 张献忠 李宗辑 ZHANG Xian-zhong;LI Zong-ji(School of History and Culture,Tianjin Normal University,Tianjin,300387;Department of History,Fudan University,Shanghai,200433,China)
出处 《史学集刊》 CSSCI 北大核心 2021年第4期41-53,共13页 Collected Papers of History Studies
基金 天津市宣传文化“五个一批”人才资助项目“清代天津科举研究”(52WJ1884)。
关键词 国家 市场 天津 城市发展 state market Tianjin urban development
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