

Development of the Leadership Behavior Trust Scale of University Students and Its Reliability and Validity Test
摘要 就大学生领导行为信任问题对国内外文献研究并对大学生进行开放式问卷调查收集资料形成项目池,经过筛选形成初始问卷;随机选取133名大学生作为被试,进行施测。对数据进行项目分析及探索性因素分析形成大学生领导行为信任量表正式问卷,对287名大学生正式施测,对结果进行验证性因素分析和信度分析。项目分析和探索性因素分析结果表明大学生领导行为信任量表有4个维度44个题目。验证性因素分析表明问卷具有良好的拟合指标,探索性因素分析和验证性因素分析结果表明问卷具有良好的结构效度。因此大学生领导行为信任量表具有良好的信效度,可用于我国大学生领导行为信任测量。 In the light of the leadship behavior trust scale of university students and through the research of domestic and foreign literatures and the open questionnaire survey of university students, the data were collected to form a project pool, and the initial questionnaire was then formed after screening.133 university students were randomly selected as subjects and tested. Project analysis and exploratory factor analysis were carried out on the data to form a formal questionnaire of the leadership behavior trust scale of university students. 287 university students were formally tested and the results were analyzed through confirmatory factor analysis and trust degree analysis. The results of project analysis and exploratory factor analysis show that the leadership behavior trust scale of university students has four dimensions and 44 examination questions. Confirmatory factor analysis shows that the questionnaire has good fitting indicators. The results of exploratory factor analysis and confirmatory factor analysis show that the questionnaire has good structural validity. Therefore, the scale has sound reliability and validity and can be used to measure the leadership behavior trust of university students in China.
作者 程淑华 袁佳乐 Cheng Shuhua;Yuan Jiale(Faculty of Teacher Education,Qiqihar University,Qiqihar 161006,China)
出处 《黄山学院学报》 2021年第2期109-113,共5页 Journal of Huangshan University
基金 齐齐哈尔大学学位与研究生教育教学改革研究项目(JGXM-QUG-2018014)。
关键词 信任 组织信任 量表编制 领导行为 trust organization trust scale development leadership behavior
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