

Near-Field Focusing Antennawith Wideband Characteristics Based on Radial Linear Slot Array
摘要 针对微波探测和微波成像问题,提出一种宽带近场聚焦天线。该天线基于径向线性槽阵列设计,通过在平行平板波导上合理的开槽以控制焦点尺寸和旁瓣峰值电平。天线由同轴探针在背部馈电,加工测量该近场聚焦天线。实验结果表明,该天线焦点直径为30mm,焦距为40mm,峰值旁瓣电平为-17.5dB,相对带宽达到7.2%(11.9-12.8GHz),在微波近场探测和微波成像方面具有广阔的应用前景。 A wideband near-field focusing antenna is proposed to solve the problem of microwave detection and imaging. The antenna is based on the Radial Linear Slot Array( RLSA) design,the focal size and the sidelobe peak level are controlled by accurately adjusting the slotposition and slot sizeon the parallel planar waveguide. The antenna is fed by a coaxial probe on the back,and the near-field focusing antenna is fabricated and measured. The experimental results show that the focal diameter and focal length of the antenna are 30 mm and 40 mm,respectively.Meanwhile,the peak sidelobe level is-17. 5 dB,and the relative bandwidth is 7. 2%( 11. 9-12. 8 GHz). It has a broad application prospect in microwave near field detection and microwave imaging.
作者 李伟泽 杨晓庆 卢萍 LI Weize;YANG Xiaoqing;LU Ping(College of Electronics and Information Engineering,Sichuan University,Chengdu 610065)
出处 《现代计算机》 2021年第16期22-26,共5页 Modern Computer
关键词 径向线性槽阵列 近场聚焦天线 宽带天线 微波探测 Radial Linear Slot Array(RLSA) Near-Field Focusing Antenna Wideband Microwave Detection
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