

Huizhou People in the Imperial Court during the Qianlong Jiaqing Period
摘要 清代乾嘉时期,“贾而好儒”的徽商凭借雄厚的经济实力和积极的进取精神,由山野而驰骋于商海,也为庙堂输送股肱之臣、饱学之士和宫廷御医。这些徽州人杰,胸怀修齐治平的人生理想,为国家和民族鞠躬尽瘁,青史留名,也为今天的故宫学和徽学研究提供了切实而丰富的研究史料。 During the period of Qianlong Jiaqing in the Qing dynasty,in addition to striving in the business world,Huizhou merchants favoring Confucianism with great economic strength and positive spirit provided ministers,scholars,and doctors for the imperial Court.With life ideals of self-cultivation,family regulation,state governance,and world of universal harmony,outstanding Huizhou people devoted themselves to the country and the nation,and left their names to posterity,providing practical and rich historical materials for the study of the Imperial Palace and Hui studies today.
作者 徐道彬 XU Dao-bin(Center for Hui Studies,Anhui University,Hefei 230039,China)
出处 《白城师范学院学报》 2021年第3期15-22,共8页 Journal of Baicheng Normal University
关键词 乾嘉时期 宫廷 徽学 故宫学 Qianlong Jiaqing period imperial court Hui studies Imperial Palace studies
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