
植根中国大地的青年社会学学者发展特征及展望——基于中文社会科学引文索引数据的分析 被引量:1

The Development Characteristics and Prospects of Young Sociology Scholars Rooted in China——Based on the Analysis to the Index Data of Chinese Social Sciences
摘要 发展中国特色社会主义社会学,需要青年社会学学者植根中国大地。利用引证数据从性别与年龄、机构与地域、学科与议题、质性与量化、本土与海归等五大方面分析青年社会学学者的发展特征。研究发现:(1)学者两性占比较为均衡,"75后"和"80后"人数相当;(2)学者主要就职高校的社会学院系,且集中在北京、上海和武汉等城市;(3)学者分布于各个分支学科,但聚集于与现实经验结合紧密的分支学科;(4)研究议题多聚焦于独具中国特色的重大经济社会现象;(5)研究主要采用质性研究方法,但量化研究方法发展势头强劲,方法的交融愈加明显;(6)本土社会学博士为主,本土其他学科博士和海归社会学博士为辅。力图描绘中国青年社会学学者的群体肖像,透视中国特色社会主义社会学发展历程。提出应重视对青年社会学学者的培养和支持、扶持较弱地区和学科、加强经验研究和理论创新、推进方法交叉融合、优化人才评价机制等建议。 The development of sociology of socialism with Chinese characteristics requires young sociologists to rooted in China.Using CSSCI data,this article analyses the development characteristics of the young sociology scholars from five aspects:gender and age,institution and region,subject and topic,qualitative and quantitative,and local and returnee.The details are as follows:(1)Scholars account for both genders as equal.Their genders are relatively balanced,and the"post-75 s"and"post-80 s"are evenly matched;(2)They mainly work in the sociology department of university,and they are mainly concentrated in Beijing,Shanghai and Wuhan;(3)They are widely distributed in various sub-disciplines and gathered in sub-disciplines that are closely integrated with real-life experience;(4)They are rooted in China and focus their research topics on major economic and social phenomena with unique Chinese characteristics;(5)Their research mainly uses qualitative research methods,but the quantitative research methods are developing strongly,and the blending of methods is becoming more obvious;(6)The main part is the doctor of local sociology,supplemented by the local doctor of other disciplines and the doctor of returned returnees.Trying to portray the group portraits of young Chinese sociology scholars and see through the development characteristics of socialist sociology with Chinese characteristics,it puts forward suggestions that attention should be paid to the training and support of young sociology scholars,support weaker regions and disciplines,strengthen empirical research and theoretical innovation,promote cross integration of methods,and optimize talent evaluation mechanisms.
作者 孙新华 SUN Xinhua(College of Humanities and Soical Development,Northwest Agriculture and Forestry University,Yangling 712100,China)
出处 《北京工业大学学报(社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2021年第5期115-128,共14页 Journal of Beijing University of Technology (Social Sciences Edition)
基金 西北农林科技大学人才专项资金项目(Z111021801)。
关键词 中国特色社会主义社会学 本土化 植根中国大地 青年社会学学者 发展特征 引证研究 sociology of socialism with Chinese characteristics indigenization rooted in China young sociology scholars development characteristics citation research
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