
昆明市2018-2019年社会组织新发现男男性行为感染HIV者特征及梅毒感染情况 被引量:2

The characteristics and syphilis infection status among HIV infected men who have sex with men newly reported through non-government organizations in Kunming from 2018 to 2019
摘要 目的了解昆明市通过社会组织新报告HIV感染的MSM的流行病学特征及梅毒感染情况,为进一步制定更有针对性的防控策略和干预措施提供依据。方法2018年1月至2019年12月在昆明市通过社会组织收集新报告HIV感染MSM的行为特征、实验室检测和梅毒感染情况,并进行分析。结果共计纳入研究对象280名,年龄21~30岁占55.0%(154/280),大专及以上文化程度占66.4%(186/280),未婚人数占84.6%(237/280)。实验室检测结果显示,CD4细胞计数小于200个/μL的研究对象占15.0%(37/247),病毒载量在104~105copies/mL之间占48.9%(132/270)。梅毒抗体阳性率为21.1%(59/280),多因素Logistics回归分析提示既往有性病史是梅毒感染的危险因素。结论昆明市通过社会组织新发现HIV感染MSM中梅毒阳性率较高,且既往有性病史是梅毒感染的危险因素。需要采取有效措施落实MSM的HIV防控策略和干预手段,并且控制梅毒在该人群中的传播。 Objective To understand the epidemiological characteristics and syphilis infection status among human Immunodeficiency virus(HIV)infected men who have sex with men newly reported through non-government organizations in Kunming to improve corresponding prevention and control strategies.Methods A total of 28 HIVinfected MSM were newly reported through non-government organizations in Kunming from January 2018 to December2019.The demographic,behavioral,and laboratory test data and the syphilis infection status were analyzed.Results The subjects were mainly aged 15-34 years(55.0%,154/280),and 66.4%(186/280)of them had a college education or above.The unmarried accounted for 84.6%(237/280).The results of the laboratory test showed that the subjects whose CD4+T lymphocytes counts were less than 200 cells/mL accounted for 15.0%(37/247),the viral loads were 104-105 copies/mL,accounting for 48.9%(132/270).The positive rate of syphilis antibody was 21.1%(59/280).The distribution of the syphilis antibody-positive subjects by the previous history of sexually transmitted diseases showed a statistical difference.Logistic regression analysis showed that having a previous history of sexually transmitted diseases was the risk factor of syphilis infection.Conclusion The syphilis positive rate was high among newly reported HIV infected MSM in Kunming MSM,and the previous history of sexually transmitted diseases was a risk factor for syphilis positive.Effective measures should be taken to better implement HIV prevention and control strategies among MSM to control the spread of syphilis in this population.
作者 杨琳璇 胡建英 陈会超 金晓媚 董莉娟 戴洁 杨敏 马艳玲 贾曼红 陈敏 YANG Linxuan;HU Jianying;CHEN Huichao;JIN Xiaomei;DONG Lijuan;DAI Jie;YANG Min;MA Yanling;JIA Manhong;CHEN Min(Public Health School of Fujian Medical University,Fuzhou 350122,China;Yunnan Center for Disease Control and Prevention,Kunming 650022;Yunnan Provincal AIDS Research Institute,Kunming 650022)
出处 《中国艾滋病性病》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2021年第6期635-637,共3页 Chinese Journal of Aids & STD
关键词 男男性行为者 艾滋病病毒感染 梅毒感染 MSM HIV infected syphilis
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