
汉学视域下的中医研究(观点集萃) 被引量:1

Research on Traditional Chinese Medicine from the Perspective of Sinology(Collection of Abstracts)
摘要 从1582年利玛窦抵达澳门到1793年钱德明去世,来华的欧洲传教士打造了中西文化交流的第一个高峰,同时也开创了传教士汉学研究。传教士汉学研究时期的在华耶稣会士做了有关中国文化的诸多著译与研究工作,促进了中国文化在欧洲的传播,加深了欧洲对包括中医文化在内的中国文化的认识与了解,促成了欧洲专业汉学的诞生。在汉学诞生和发展的过程中,中医药扮演了重要的角色,在世界范围内以汉学研究为切入点,展开对中医药文化、中医药海外传播等相关问题的深入探讨,这既是中国文化历史本质的要求,也是坚持文化自信的必然旨归。为了推动汉学视域下的中医药研究,促进中西文化交流与文明互鉴,本刊编辑部联手北京语言大学中国文化对外翻译与传播研究中心、南京农业大学典籍翻译与海外汉学研究中心、广州中医药大学中医药翻译与国际传播研究中心,于2021年4月24日在上海中医药大学共同主办"汉学视域下的中医研究"国际学术工作坊,会上,新观点、新材料、新思想层出不穷,展示了汉学与中医药学之间密切的关联和重要研究价值。 Starting from the arrival of the Italian Jesuit Matteo Ricci in Macao in 1582 till the death of the French Jesuit Joseph-Marie Amiot in 1793, the European Catholic missionaries, mostly Jesuits, created the first peak of cultural exchanges between China and the West. At the same time, they also contributed to the emergence of the Sinology research conducted by missionaries. During this period, the translations and researches related to Chinese culture by them promoted the western understanding and awareness of Chinese culture including the culture of traditional Chinese medicine(TCM), which finally contributed to the birth of Sinology as an independent discipline in Europe. The conveying of traditional Chinese medicine to the West played an important role in the emergence of Sinology as a special field of study. It is not only an exploration of the essence of Chinese cultural history, but also the way of adhering to cultural selfconfidence to deeply study the overseas dissemination of TCM on a worldwide basis from the perspective of Sinology. With a view to promoting the research of TCM from the perspective of Sinology and increasing the mutual understanding between different cultures, an international workshop under the title "Research on Traditional Chinese Medicine from the Perspective of Sinology" was held at Shanghai University of Traditional Chinese Medicine on April 24 th, 2021. The workshop was co-hosted by the Shanghai University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, the Journal Chinese Medicine and Culture, the Center for the Translation and International Communication of Chinese Culture of Beijing Language and Culture University, the Center for the Translation of Chinese Classics and Sinology of Nanjing Agricultural University and the Center for Translation and International Communication of Chinese Medicine Culture of Guangzhou University of Chinese Medicine. In the workshop, there were lots of new ideas shared by scholars, showing the close relationship between Sinology and TCM and significant value of this research perspective.
出处 《中医药文化》 2021年第3期193-207,共15页 Chinese Medical Culture
关键词 汉学 中西文化交流 传教士 中医西传 Sinology Cultural Exchanges Between China and the West Missionary Conveying Traditional Chinese Medicine to the West
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