

Influence of External Factors on Rapid Plasma Reagin Test Results
摘要 目的探讨外界因素对血清标本RPR检测结果的影响。方法收集RPR阴性和阳性标本(TPPA确认为阳性,并做RPR滴度),观察外界因素包括保存方法、反复冻融、水平旋转仪振荡时间、试剂盒平衡时间、pH值及电解质对RPR结果的影响。结果标本保存时间延长至7 d或反复冻融3次均会使RPR滴度开始出现下降(P<0.05);试剂盒在较高温度下放置时间过长可导致RPR结果假阴性;水平旋转仪振荡时间过长、强酸环境和电解质浓度增加均可使RPR发生假阳性。结论在RPR试验中应严格控制反应条件,以保证结果的准确性。 Objective To explore the influence of external factors on rapid plasma reagin(RPR)serum test to screen for syphilis.Methods RPR negative and positive samples were collected.Treponema Pallidum Particle Agglutination(TPPA)results were also positive,and RPR titer was tested.The effects of external factors,including preservation method,repeated freezing and thawing,oscillation time of horizontal rotator,equilibrium time of kit,pH value and electrolyte level on RPR test results were determined.Results The RPR titer began to decrease when the samples were kept for seven days or frozen and thawed three or more times(P<0.05).False-negative results of RPR were more common when the kit was stored for a long time at 40℃than at room temperature or 4℃.Too long oscillation time of horizontal rotator,strong acid environment and increase of electrolyte concentration yielded more false-positive RPR test results.Conclusion The reaction conditions should be strictly controlled to ensure the accuracy of the RPR test results.
作者 江雅平 周佳 李志艳 段楠 杨晓彤 JIANG Yaping;ZHOU Jia;LI Zhiyan;DUAN Nan;YANG Xiaotong(Department of Clinical Laboratory,Peking University First Hospital,Beijing 100034,China)
出处 《中国皮肤性病学杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2021年第7期836-840,共5页 The Chinese Journal of Dermatovenereology
基金 “十一五”国家科技支撑计划(2007BA105B09) 国家高技术研究发展计划(863计划)(2006AA020909)。
关键词 RPR 外界因素 假阳性 假阴性 RPR External factors False positive False negative
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