

On the Poetic Thought of Men Shi Xin Hua by Chen Shan
摘要 陈善所著《扪虱新话》共计两百则,其中体现其诗学观的有七十余则。陈善论诗,尤为推崇陶渊明与杜甫,认为二者之诗韵胜格高,自然浑成,无斧凿之痕。在创作论上,陈善首先强调立意应当不拘一格地进行创新,同时也认可学习古人,在“无一字无来处”的基础上创新。在创作方法上,陈善尤其重视“夺胎换骨”法,强调创作技巧不应拘泥于古人之法,而应独辟蹊径,自成一家。陈善又提出诗文应精心锤炼而又无雕琢痕迹,要重视谋篇布局、曲折成章,篇末点题,并不断修改斟酌。在文体方面,提倡诗文互相借鉴,进入“诗中有文,文中有诗”的“诗文相生”状态。在鉴赏上,主张各抒己见,但要尽量避免过于主观,不可文人相轻,也不可机械地理解诗意。这些观点为后世研究宋代诗话提供了新的启示。 There are two hundred articles in Men Shi Xin Hua written by Chen Shan,seventy of which are relevant to the writer’s view of poetics.As for his opinion of poems,Chen Shan particularly admires Tao Yuanming and Du Fu,whose poems are thought to be artistically charming,stylistically elegant,and totally natural with few marks of excessive modifiers.In the creation theory,Chen Shan emphasizes conception innovation in an eclectic way,while approving the creation based on quoting the words of ancients with definite origins.In the creation method,Chen Shan pays attention to the method of using new words to express ideas written before and believes that it is not necessary to stick to the writing techniques of ancients,but to develop a new way that is unique in one’s own style.He proposes that poetry and prose should be carefully tempered without any trace of carving in the manner of planning the text distribution,constructing a complicated and logical plot,identifying the theme at the end of the article,making deliberate revisions and so on.Stylistically,mutual learning should be encouraged between poems and writings to present a state that"poems and proses are inter-promoting",that is,there is text in the poem and there is poem in the text.On appreciation,he advocates each to air one’s view freely instead of being too subjective,disparaging one another and understanding poetry rigidly.These points of view will provide inspiration and precious reference for later scholars to study poetic commentaries in the Song Dynasty.
作者 何泽棠 HE Ze-tang(College of Humanities and Law,South China Agricultural University,Guang Zhou 510642,China)
出处 《西安建筑科技大学学报(社会科学版)》 2021年第3期72-80,87,共10页 Journal of Xi'an University of Architecture & Technology(Social Science Edition)
关键词 《扪虱新话》 陈善 诗学思想 “夺胎换骨” Men Shi Xin Hua elegant literary style excellent artistic charm use new words to express ideas written before
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