运用31 PNMR研究红细胞中高能磷酸化合物的代谢变化 ,探讨美兰光化学法对红细胞的损伤 .采用MSL 30 0MHz型超导核磁共振仪分别测量健康成人红细胞对照组、经美兰(亚甲基蓝 )光化学处理组及预先加入L 组氨酸组的高能磷酸化合物 ,通过分析比较红细胞中2 ,3 二磷酸甘油酸 (2 ,3 DPG)、三磷酸腺苷 (ATP)及磷酸化糖 (SP)相对含量 ,了解美兰光化学法对红细胞代谢的影响 .经亚美兰光化学法处理的红细胞 ,葡萄糖进入戊糖磷酸途径的分量增加 ,使红细胞中 2 ,3 DPG和ATP含量显著减少 ,而SP含量大幅上升 ,在某种程度上影响红细胞的理化性质和功能指标 ;L 组氨酸对此有一定的保护作用 .
In order to understand injuries occurred in erythrocytes treated with the methylene blue (MB) photochemical method, the changes of high-energy phosphate metabolites in the treated erythrocytes were studied by 31P NMR. The control and treated erythrocyte samples, which originally all came from stored blood of healthy adults, were measured by 31P NMR with an MSL-300 MHz spectrometer. L-histidine was added to half of the treated samples before the treatment. The effects of the MB photochemical method on the erythrocytes were studied by measuring the relative changes of 2,3-DPG, ATP and (PME+SP) contents. In erythrocytes treated with MB photochemistry, the contents of (PME+SP) increased significantly, and the contents of 2,3-DPG and ATP decreased significantly. Our data suggest that, in the MB treated erythrocytes, glucose metabolism through the pentose phosphate pathway increases significantly. It is concluded that MB treatment may affect physical, chemical and functional properties of erythrocytes to some degree, and such effects can be ameliorated by L-histidine.
Chinese Journal of Magnetic Resonance
国家自然科学基金资助项目 ( 198750 17)