

A Side Lobe Cancelling Method for Radars under Strong Clutters
摘要 副瓣对消是雷达抗有源干扰的主要手段之一。当雷达在进行低空探测时,由于地杂波的影响,使得副瓣对消性能下降,无法有效对抗有源干扰。针对此问题,本文提出了一种强杂波区副瓣对消技术,降低地杂波对副瓣对消处理的影响。实际测试结果表明该方法可有效降低地杂波对副瓣对消性能的影响,解决雷达在低空探测时无法有效对抗有源干扰的难题。 Side Lobe Cancelling is one of the main methods to suppress active jamming for radars.When the radar detects low-altitude target,the performance of side lobe cancelling would degrade due to the affection of ground clutter,which makes it hard to effectively suppress active jamming.To solve this problem,proposes a side lobe cancelling method for radars under strong clutters was proposed to reduce the influence of ground clutter on side lobe cancelling.The test results verified that this method can effectively reduce the influence of ground clutter on side lobe cancelling and thus solve the problem of active jamming suppression in low-altitude detection.
作者 和芯 周书堂 王宇颢 张建明 伍进进 李飞 HE Xin;ZHOU Shutang;WANG Yuhao;ZHANG Jianming;WU Jinjin;LI Fei(Wuhan Binhu Electronic Limited Liability Company,Wuhan 430205;No.2.Military Representative Office of PLA Army Armaments Department in Wuhan,Wuhan 430205;Field Artillery and Air Defense Artillery Research Institute of Army Research Academy,Beijing 100012)
出处 《火控雷达技术》 2021年第2期44-47,共4页 Fire Control Radar Technology
基金 装备预先研究项目(6141B020805)。
关键词 雷达 地杂波 副瓣对消 抗干扰 低空 radar ground clutter side-lobe cancelling anti-jamming low-altitude
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