Based on the daily precipitation data from the meteorological stations in the Qaidam Basin, the international satellite cloud climatology project D2 data and NCEP/NCAR reanalysis data, the temporal and spatial distribution characteristics of the summer extreme heavy precipitation(SEHP), cloud amount and cloud water resources in the Qaidam Basin were analyzed, as well as the atmospheric circulation associated with the process of SEHP. The results showed that the SEHP threshold and SEHP days in the eastern Qaidam Basin were larger than those in the western, and the amount of extreme precipitation in the Basin obviously increased during 1981-2017. The spatial distribution of cloud amount, including the total, high, middle and low in the Qaidam Basin, were different, and the upward trend of cloud amount was not obvious. The spatial distribution patterns of Cw, Iwand Lwwere consistent, which, characterized as cloud water resources in the southern Basin, was less than those in the northern Basin and significantly increased in linear tendency in the whole year. Circulation analyses showed that when the summer extreme heavy precipitation events occurred in the Basin, the westerly jet moved northward in the upper troposphere, and the Basin was located at the south flank of the jet, where an anomalous anticyclonic circulation existed corresponding to the divergence zone. The Basin was under the control of an abnormally strong trough in the middle troposphere. The geopotential height was of negative anomaly in the eastern Basin in the low troposphere, which was an abnormal cyclonic circulation corresponding to convergence zone. This circulation configuration could provide perfect dynamic conditions for extreme heavy precipitation in Basin. There were three sources of water vapor for the SEHP. The Indian summer monsoon transported water vapor from the tropical ocean to the Qaidam Basin through the eastern side of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau. The westerly transported vapor water from the Eurasian continent to the Basin. The anomalous northerly wind transported water vapor to the Basin through a circulation on the northwestern side of the anomalous cyclonic circulation around the northwest Pacific.
LÜChun-yan;LIU Ming-xin;LI Yan(College of Atmospheric Sciences,Lanzhou University,Lanzhou 730000,China)
Journal of Lanzhou University(Natural Sciences)
the Qaidam Basin
summer extreme heavy precipitation
cloud water resource
circulation characteristic
water vapor source