

Present Situation,Problems,and Countermeasures in the Constructionof Grass-Roots Party Organizations and Party Cadres in Henan Province
摘要 近年来特别是党的十九大以来,河南坚持全面推进基层党组织和党员队伍建设,在建强组织、管好队伍、完善机制、强化保障上持续用力,基层党组织创造力、凝聚力、战斗力不断增强,党员先锋模范作用有效发挥。但对标新时代党的建设总要求和党的组织路线,仍然存在不少差距,特别是党建工作重形式轻内容、重过程轻结果、重数量轻质量的问题在一些地方不同程度存在,直接影响到基层党组织组织力的增强和政治功能的发挥。对此,河南应当紧扣党的建设高质量要求,以新时代党的组织路线为指引,以增强政治功能和提升组织力为主线,加强顶层设计,抓好谋篇布局,形成以党建为核心的基层社会治理新局面。 In recent years,especially since the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China,Henan province insists on the comprehensive promotion of the construction of grass-roots party organizations and party members,and makes consistent efforts to strengthen the organization,manage the team well,complete the mechanism,and strengthen the guarantee.The creativity,cohesion and combat effectiveness of grass-roots party organizations have been constantly enhanced,and the exemplary vanguard role of party members is effectively played.However,compared with the general requirement of party building and the party’s organizational principle,we can see that there are still some gaps:to varying degrees the work of party building emphasizes the form over content,emphasizes the process over the result,and emphasizes the quantity over the quality in some places,which directly influence the organizational ability of grass-roots party organizations and the exertion of their political function.Therefore,Henan province should closely adhere to the requirement for high quality in the party building,take the organizational principle of the party in this new era as the guidance,and try to strengthen the political function and improve the organizational ability.It is also necessary to strengthen the top-level design,and grasp the layout of the plans so as to form the new situation of grass-roots social governance which takes the party building as its core.
作者 刘旭阳 Liu Xuyang(Institute of Politics and Party Construction,Henan Academy of Social Sciences,Zhengzhou City,Henan Province,450002)
出处 《黄河科技学院学报》 2021年第7期6-13,共8页 Journal of Huanghe S&T College
关键词 河南 基层党组织 党员 现状 问题 对策 Henan province grass-roots party organizations party member current situation problem countermeasure








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