Interferons(IFNs)are“warning signal”cytokines released upon pathogen sensing.IFNs control the expression of interferonstimulated genes(ISGs),which are often crucial to restrict viral infections and establish a cellular antiviral state.1,2 Langerin(CD207),a well-known surface receptor on Langerhans cells(LC),belongs to the C-type lectin receptor(CLR)family and constitutes a major pathogen binding receptor able to regulate both innate and adaptive immune responses.3,4 Importantly,this CLR was reported as an antiviral receptor.
This work was supported in part by an ANRS grant(No.D15236)to F.P.B
This work was also supported by the Cardiff University President's Research Scholarship to M.A.C.
grants from lSSF-WT and the Gates Foundation to V.P
G.M.was the recipient of a postdoctoral fellowship from Labex EpiGenMed(Montpelier,France)and is currently supported by the ANRS.